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"Romana?! Why are you here," the Warrior asked.
"Hello, Doctor! I heard you had regenerated, but I wasn't sure if it was true!" She trailed off for a few moments.
"Anyway," she continued, "we're infiltrating Skaro to find enemy secrets. We were recently attacked by a group of Daleks whose timelines had become corrupted. We call them 'Skaro Degradations.' We came here to investigate."

"I think we just ran into one of those," Preda said, and shuddered. "But who's we?"

Just then, Braxnil stepped out of the shadows.
"I guess you found us out," he said. We're also on the run from Rassilon. He's branded us as traitors and sent the CIA after us. You won't turn us in, right?"

Both of them had stained and damaged clothing, ratty hair, and were wearing tattered backpacks.

"I wouldn't think of it, old friend," the Warrior said.

"What happened to you, Doctor," Romana asked sadly.

"I don't go by that name any more. I'm a Warrior now."

"But what happened?"

"I learned the hard way that the universe doesn't want a Doctor anymore. I was killed attempting to rescue someone who hated me just because I was a Time Lord. I got back on my feet with the help of the Sisterhood of the Flame of Utter Boredom, and left the name of 'Doctor' behind."

"How awful. I'm so sorry," Romana said.
Braxnil nodded in agreement.

Preda decided to change the subject.
"How did you get here, anyway?"

"Vortex manipulator," Braxnil replied. He pulled up his right sleeve, revealing what appeared to be an electronic wristband. "The Daleks don't usually shield for such crude technology, so we were able to get through a chink in the transduction barrier. What about you?"

"The Doctor's TARDIS," Preda said. "She's strong willed, but knows how to pilot herself really well. She was able to exploit the residue of the Rift of Prophecy to open a backdoor."

"We're wasting time," the Warrior cut in. "We need to get through that door and into the inner workings of the city. Our job is to to seal the transduction barrier so that only we can get out, while the Daleks are trapped inside so that they can't be rescued by time travelers."

"There's at least tens of thousands of them in there," Braxnil said. "How are you planning on doing it?"

"Sneak in quietly," the Warrior said, "then strike hard at the right moment.
We don't need to hold it for very long. Preda and I are going in alone to find the right piece of hardware. Once we do, we'll summon the TARDISes to put a temporal perimeter around us so we can install this [he pulled out a disc-shaped silvery device] and then leave as quickly as possible."

"I'm going too," Romana said.
"As am I," said Braxnil.

The Warrior hesitated for a moment, then said; "Oh, alright, but follow my lead and be very careful."

A TARDIS changed its plunger into a welding torch. It cut a hole in the door, through which the Warrior, Preda, Romana, and Braxnil disappeared. It seamlessly welded the hole back up again, leaving the scout team alone to face the perils of the most dangerous planet in the universe.

The Last Great Time War: part IIWhere stories live. Discover now