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It was like a Dalek, but at the same time, it wasn't. Instead of a flat base, it had five legs, covered in Dalek bumps of various sizes and colors. Two of the legs ended in hoverpads, the others in metal claws. The eyestalk was a lot wider, and glowed red. One dome light was round and flat, the other was long and pointed.
The midsection was the worst. The manipulator arm was either a plunger or a metal claw, depending on which timeline was asserting itself. The gunstick appeared to be composed of three gunsticks that had been welded together at an angle not possible in normal geometry. It smoked and crackled with electricity. Out of the creature's side stuck a large, fleshy protrusion. It too was shifting with discordant timelines that had been mashed together. It ended either with a tentacle, a clawed hand, a circular mouth lined with fangs, or a bloodshot eye the size of a baseball. The texture of the skin was shifting from rough and spiny, lumpy and warty, or smooth and dripping with slime.

The hideous mutant Dalekoid roared in a metallic voice, and squeezed off five more shots. One soldier who was hit regressed into a child, then a baby, then an embryo, then vanished. Another was burned into a skeleton. The third simply vanished, as if she never existed.
The other bursts of strange energy hit TARDISes, who were strong enough to deflect or absorb them. One of them fired right back and burst the Degredation open, briefly revealing more clashing designs and impossible geometry. Half a second after it was hit, the monster exploded in a burst of white light with a bloodcurdling scream that lingered in the air even after the light faded.

"What in the name of the Eternals was that," one of the three remaining soldiers gasped. "I don't know," the Warrior replied, "but obviously it's bad news. Everybody watch out for more of those things."

They continued for several minutes, encountering no more Degredations or active Daleks. However, whenever they spotted a dead Dalek, the soldiers immediately blasted it to bits.

Finally, they came to a huge metal door at the end of the passage, with two live Daleks guarding it. (though they weren't live for long)

"This must be the entrance to the undercity," said the Warrior. "We have to get in and hack the controls to the transduction barrier so only Gallifreyan vessels can leave. Then, we get out as quick as we can. We don't have much time before the planet is destroyed."

Everyone heard a rock fall, and saw movement out of the corners of their eyes. They turned around, and saw something moving towards them in a side passage!

The panicked soldiers fired haphazard shots before a voice called out.

"Don't shoot, it's me," said Romana.

The Last Great Time War: part IIWhere stories live. Discover now