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As the you and the others venture into the forest it starts to get dark.

Tuff: Geez, I think we should head back

Tiff: I never knew how scary the forest can be at night

Meta Knight: We are going to have to camp here for night, Bandana Dee, I'm going to need you to get some firewood for a fire, take Tuff and Iro with you.

Bandana Dee: Yes sir

Iro: Uhhmmm, are you sure it'll be safe

Meta Knight: Yes you will be fine

Bandana Dee: ok Tuff, Iro let's go get some firewood

Tiff: What about us Meta knight?

Meta Knight: I need you 3 to stay here and hold down the fort

Kirby: Poyo

Meta Knight: Y/N, I need you to come with me

Y/N: ok

He flew up into a nearby tree. You followed him and got into the tree shortly after Bandana Dee, Tuff, and Iro came back with the firewood.

Y/N: So why are we up here anyways?

Meta Knight: For some reason it feels like there is something of about them, Tuff isn't usually one to get frightened easily, the same thing for Iro.

You knew about he said was true, out of all the time you knew them the way they were acting was very out character.

Y/N: Do you think we should ask Tiff or Honey

Meta Knight: The thing is if we do Tuff and Iro will start to get suspicious, and start to ask questions, besides if we ask Tiff peer pressure will get to her and she'll tell Tuff.

Y/N: So will that mean we'll have to wait when we get back

Meta Knight: yea pretty much, besides we should get back to them.

As you and Meta Knight head back you see Kirby, Bandana Dee, and Tiff try to start a fire.

Tiff: Ugghhhh.... why doesn't the stupid wood  light up on fire?!?!

Bandana Dee: Maybe some of the wood is damp, which is preventing us for starting a fire.

Kirby: POYO POYO (most likely, so does that mean that we won't have a fire)

Y/N: Possibly

Meta Knight: Well, we can't go and find more wood, it's too dark out

Honey: So will that mean we're going to have to spend the night in the dark?

Meta Knight: Unfortunately, yes

You looked around the area but you didn't see Tuff or Iro

Y/N: uhhmm... Meta Knight

Meta Knight: yes Y/N

Y/N: where's  Tuff and Iro?

Everyone looked around to see if Tuff and Iro were still in the area



To be continued

A Knightly Romance (Y/N x Meta knight) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now