The Emergency Meeting

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You and Meta Knight took your seats by Sword and Blade. You saw the Mage sisters, Taranza, Magolor, Marx, Susie, Daroach, Lady Like and her husband. Tiff, Tuff , and Kirby were sitting with them. Gooey and Adleline and Ribbon were sitting together as well. Some Waddle Dees were posted by the Doors Guarding the hall. You saw Mishka and Mozes sitting together. Mozes looked the least bit shocked or confused it seemed odd. Meta Knight looked like his stoic self as usual but he looked troubled by this all like most were.

After a few minutes Escargoon and Commander Waddle Doo entered the hall and went to the front of the hall to their respective seats and Dedede entered the room and he went to his seat at the front and center of the room. Bandana Dee soon followed and stood at the front of the room by Commander Waddle Doo.

Escargoon cleared his throat.

Escargoon: Alright now that we are all here let's get started with the meeting.

Dedede: We have received news that the piece of the Dimensional Mirror that was held at this castle has...

Dedede paused he took a deep breath

Dedede: has gone missing

Waves of shock and confusion has gone through the room.

Escargoon: settle down. Settle Down!

Everyone went silent who knew Escargoon was capable of being that loud.

Dedede: B- Dee give us what you saw at the scene.

Bandana Dee: Yes you're majesty

You could tell Bandana was nervous. Bandana paused and took a deep breath

Bandana Dee: So when I was doing my daily patrol around the west side of the castle I heard glass break. In the room where the piece of the Dimensional Mirror piece was kept. I went into the room and saw a figure who was cloaked in a dark cloth and and they jumped out of the window after I tried to pursue them but they disappeared.

Dedede: Thank you B-Dee. I understand that lately that the pieces of the mirror have been going missing but I didn't expect this to happen at least not so soon and so suddenly. Who still has their mirror pieces still?

Dedede had a entirely different expression and manner that was the complete opposite of his usual self. He appeared to be more tense and determined.

Zan Partizanne raised her hand and so did Taranza and so did Susie.

Dedede: So only 3 pieces... out the 7 pieces now.

The mood felt disheartened which was expected.

Escargoon: So if my sources are correct Mishka your kingdom was the first place to lose your mirror piece?

Mishka: Yes.

Escargoon: Then after her it was you Magolor. Then after him Daraoch. Then we lost the mirror piece.

The room nodded.

Marx stood up

Marx: So does anyone else find it odd that the pieces have been disappearing one after the other?

Francisca: Yeah but shouldn't we worry about improving the security of the pieces we still have left!?

The whole room agreed and instant chatter filled the room. People were discussing on what action to take next. You looked at Meta Knight. He looked puzzled on how and why this is happening. He turned to look at Mishka and Mozes. They were also speaking to each other. Dedede raised both his hands which everyone noticed and closed their conversations

Dedede: So we all know what will happen if the mirror is fully completed and he escapes. Does anyone have any ideas on who it might be?

Everyone looked around to see if anyone had an idea who it could be. You saw Magolor slowly get up.

Magolor: I have two suspects in mind, but you all aren't going to like them.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to calm down and collected his thoughts. He opened his eyes.

Magolor: My first suspect is... Y/N! I just find it odd that they showed up after here before me and some of the other Star allies.

The whole room turned to look at you in confusion. You saw Meta Knights eyes flickered red and returned to their usual state of yellow.

Meta Knight: Nonsense they weren't even close to the area where we keep our the the piece of the mirror!

Mishka also stood up

Mishka: Besides they didn't even know about the Dimensional Mirror? And when the incident happened they were with me!

Magolor nodded

Magolor: I don't know why I thought they did it but my other suspect is... Mozes.

Everyone turned to look at him. Mozes appeared to be a bit irritated by Magolors accusation.

Flamberge spoke up

Flamberge: Yeah! I think it's odd that he seems to be so unfazed by all of this!

Some people nodded their heads in agreement. People began to talk amongst themselves. Dedede and Meta Knight exchanged glances of confusion and concern. The talking was cut of by someone clearing his throat. It was Mozes.

Mozes: Well so that it seems that almost everyone in the room has a sense that it was me. Which I did not but since you seem to think so to prove my innocence I will only allow myself and my room to be searched if that's what it takes to prove my innocence.

His voice was monotone, a bit gruff and dead in a way. The hall went entirely silent.

Dedede finally broke the silence

Dedede: Well then, does everyone agree with that decision or would further action need to be taken?

You heard several people saying that further action should be taken.

Dedede: We'll take further action then. Meta Knight and Y/N you two will be monitoring him for the next 3 days. Is that alright with you Mozes.

Everyone looked at Mozes.

Mozes: If it'll prove my innocence then yes that's alright with me.

Dedede turned to face you and Meta Knight.

Dedede: Is this alright with you two?

Meta knight nodded and turned to you. You looked at him and turned to look at Dedede and nodded.

Dedede: Alright then it's settled. In order to prove Mozes innocence his person and his room will be searched and monitored for the next 3 days. Also we're canceling the awards ceremony since we have bigger matters to worry about.

Escargoon: That concludes the meeting.

Everyone one left the hall and returned to their rooms.

A Knightly Romance (Y/N x Meta knight) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now