The Hospital bed

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You knew you had to break the fight because if you didn't who knew what would happen to any them. Vul grabbed Meta Knight and tossed him towards the window. It shattared into a millions of pieces, he was bleeding very badly.


Vul and Mace stop fighting and froze to look around, to realize what they had done. You ran to Meta Knight, he looked like he was going to pass out. His body was trembling beneath his own body weight as he was trying to stand up.

Meta Knight: Y/-Y/--Y/N

Y/N: Meta knight...

Meta Knight: My body hurts all over.

Meta Knight's POV

My body...It hurts all over I don't know how much longer my body can take this pain for much longer... but then I'm lucky that I am alive. I'm glad Y/N is here

His vision blacks out

some time later

Huh where am I, and why does it got to be so damn bright wait a minute I not wearing my mask or else it wouldn't be so bright.

Yabui: Oh see you've finally waken up.

Oh ok my mask issue makes more sense other than Y/N, Sailor Dee, Bandanna Dee, his Majesty, and Kirby. Yabui is the only towns person who's seen me without my mask.

Meta Knight: So how long was I out for and how'd I get here.

Yabui: To answer your first question about 4-6 hours, I had to surgically remove some of the pieces of glass from your wings and to answer the other question Y/N brought you here, Y/N was really worried about they did leave something for you, and your gonna have to stay here for a while.

Meta Knight: How long

Yabui: 2 days

Meta Knight: Oh ok, did you happen to use any needles by any chance

Yabui: No but wait I might need to use just one.

Meta Knight: Oh ok..

Well that's just great, I hate needles.

He left, I wonder where he left my mask... huh what's this

It was an a baby blue envelope with 3 bars of chocolate attached.

Did Y/N leave this for me. My mask is under the envelope.

He opens the envelope

There's a letter and it's from Y/N, I might as well read it.

Dear, Meta Knight

I am not sure if you'll read this or even wake up, but if you do hi, I hope your ok. If I am going to be honest with you I was really worried about you when you Vul and Mace got into the fight... I'm not sure how to express my feelings in this letter (oddly enough) I hope we can discuss this in person and privately.

Get Well Soon,


P.S I hope you enjoy the chocolate

Man, I feel bad now

Geez what time is it


I guess I should get some sleep.

A Knightly Romance (Y/N x Meta knight) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now