Late to Brunch

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You, Meta Knight, Sword, and Blade are Rushing down the hallway to get to Brunch with DeDeDe and the others.

That's until Meta Knight gets a call, he puts it on speaker since he finds it hard to talk with someone over the phone with his mask on so he puts it on speaker

Meta Knight: Hello

DeDeDe: Hey Mety

Meta Knight: Uh yes your Majesty?

Dedede: Uh are y'all on ya way?

Meta Knight: yes why

Dedede: alright good, so remember how I told you a couple weeks back that there we're going to be guests of honor for this years awards event ceremony thingy?

Meta Knight: yes why

Dedede: So uhh... geez how do I say this..

Dedede takes big breath

Dedede: Remember Mishka?

Meta Knight took a pause to process what Dedede had just said

Meta Knight: so you're telling me you invited my ex wife to the awards ceremony.

You were in shock in what he just said at most you thought he had an ex girlfriend/ boyfriend but ex wife!!?!

Meta Knight: At least just tell me it's only just her

Dedede: ah... so is your son

Knowing Meta had an ex wife was enough for the moment but a Kid what's next he Grandchildren

Meta Knight: ok alright I'll be there in a few minutes Kay bye

Dedede: Alright see ya buddy

Meta Knight Hung up . He looks at you sword and blade. To find the 3 of you in shock and confusion. And you guys were also staring into his soul

Meta Knight: I'll explain later

Sword and Blade: ok

You just nodded in a agreement and you guys continued walking to the dining room without saying a word. Your in shock and confused on why he never said anything about it prior.

You guys made it to the doors of the dining room. You could here the chatter from everyone else in the room. Sword went to grab the door and looked at Meta Knight.

Sword: Ready Sir?

Meta Knight took a deep breath and nodded. Sword opened the door to find a long table with the star allies, Dedede and Escargoon at the head of the table which wasn't a surprise. You saw Meta's ex she was pretty she had cat like ears and she had a warm look to here and to her side was their son he was the only one who didn't bother looking towards the door.

Dedede: Alright let's get started, get ya bums up here
You, Meta, Blade, and Sword went to your seats

Sword and Blade went to their seats between Marx and Taranza

You and Meta sat on the Left side of Dedede which put you right a cross from the guest of honor, but at least you were next to Kirby.

Kirby: Poyo (good morning)

Y/n: Good morning Kirby

The Boy, well more like young adult looked up to you see you and Meta

He just looked angry and rolled his eyes and left from his seat and out the room slamming the door from behind him. Leaving a full plate of food behind untouched. His mother sighed and had a somewhat saddened look on her face, but she turned to you and Meta. She gave you both a nod of hello and you returned the nod.

Nothing much happened after that. No one wanted to mention what just happened. Although you were confused on why he did that but you didn't want to say anything.

A Knightly Romance (Y/N x Meta knight) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now