A Kiss

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Chapter 13

Cameron's POV


We continued on further into the sewers till there were two pathways. Henry and Sam went left, and Joel, Ellie, and I went right. Soon there was a fenced door with a crater blocking it. "How do we get in there?" Ellie then pointed to vent. "You think I can fit in there?" "Well let's see." Joel went towards the vent. "If you can get it open. I can crawl through and clear that door."  By the time she finished talking the vent was open. She bent down in order to get in and made her way towards the other side, and successfully opened the door. "And." She dragged out "Voila."

I make my way through the once locked room and look around. After finding nothing I continue on, yet again grabbing Ellie's hand.


Along the way we got separated, and I was stuck with Henry and Ellie. I'd say it was okay ,but when you're running from a pack of clickers you can't really say anything. But nonetheless we got out without a single scratch.

When we got out there was a warning on the wall outside. "Thanks for the warning on the other side, guys." Ellie said. I couldn't help but to laugh a bit.

Once we all calmed down a bit Joel started "So where's this tower?" "We're close." Henry answered "C'mon. Let's go." And that's what we did. Not long after Sam started up a conversation. "That was a close one, huh?" "Yeah. Not one of our finest moments,but we made it out." "Yeah." After hearing Sam's first sentence I got hit with a sense of deja vu. Honestly that happened like two days or maybe even more, god time sure flies when you're traveling. 

Eventually we got to houses or more like what used to be a neighborhood. "What about you two, how ya holdin' up?" Ellie spoke first "Business as usual, right? When we were with Henry, we took out a couple of infected ourselves. You'd be proud. Especially Cameron, since they had a bow." He muttered a small yeah.


We joked around for a bit, and by we I mean me and Ellie, we joked with Sam a bit too. We looked around for a while, I found arrows and ammo, we even found a dart board. Sam went first, and for never playing it before he did pretty good, then was Ellie's turn. Now I like the girl but she wasn't very good at it. Me on the other hand, I was awesome. "See that, I win. I know i'm so cool." "You missed the board!" "Who said I was aiming for the board?" I said with a smirk.


There was a damn sniper blocking us from getting to where we needed to go. So Joel went out 'trying to get the angle on him' while the rest of us distracted them from noticing Joel. At some point the sniper stopped shooting at us so we took it as a sigh to go. Boy that was dumb. Those dudes with tanks turned out to be with them, and on top of that all the shooting attracted the infected.

Joel came down and asked if anyone was hurt, and then we booked it. But someone was hurt.

On our way from the tower Sam and Ellie were telling each other stories. Watching them talk and tell stories for an hour, didn't help the fact that I had a crush on the girl, in fact it made me sorta jealous, and knowing Sam had feelings for the girl as well also didn't help. So the entire walk I had the urge to blurt out that Sam was bit. Which is what I should be doing, but jealousy right?

I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize that we were there. Everyone entered except for me and Sam. So I walked right next to him and in a low tone that only he could hear "just thought i'd let you know your chances of her liking you are zero, and even if she did you wouldn't last a day with that bite you got there." I turned to look at him and gave him a small smile, as if I did just say such mean things to him.


Everyone was inside eating while I was outside on the balcony, gazing into the stars thinking about the last few days. It flew by so quickly almost as if it never happened and was just a fever dream. It started off as trying to get our shit back from Robert, to being told he sold it to Fireflies, to having to ship an actual kid to the capitol building where my.... That happened. I miss her. I found it hard to imagine a life without my mom but, now I don't have to 'cause she's gone. Kinda wish I did imagine it now, so it wouldn't hurt that much.

My thoughts were put on at the sound of a rusty old door opening and closing. At that door was Ellie. "Hey, whatcha' doing out here?" "Just looking at the stars, and thinking about stuff." "Well that stuff must be pretty sad cause you're crying." I am? I didn't even notice.

"A penny for your thoughts?" She looked at me. "Just thinking 'bout by mom, and how quickly these past few weeks have gone by." "Look I know i've probably said this a billion times, but I am sorry for what happened to your mom." "And i've told you it isn't your fault. It was gonna happen sooner or later."

I turned to look at her, but it seems she beat me too 'cause she was looking at me too. At that moment our eyes met, at all my troubles seemed to slip away. "You have really nice eyes." She said. I turned to look at the railing to hide my blush "Thanks. Your eyes are really pretty too." They really were. With this lighting her eyes shined almost brighter than the stars. "Ell' I know I've known you only for a few weeks ,but being with you on this adventure and getting to know you more, more than just cargo or the infected girl, I've sorta started getting feelings. You don't have to say anything right now ,but-" She cut me off "I like you too, dummy." I was in shock and I didn't know what to do.

But she did, so she gave me a small and short kiss on my lip. "You should get back inside, you've been out here for a while." She offered her hand and I took it, making my way inside the somewhat warm building with beds and food.

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