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Chapter 1

(A/N Tess is your mom)

I woke up to mom and Joel arguing. They seemed to have noticed me cause mom said "Hey precious, how was you sleep."

God sometimes I think mom is bipolar. "Amazing till you woke me up." I said rubbing my face . Now it was Joel's turn to speak

"Well kiddo, best get ready. Your mom and I have some business to take care of."

"What kind of 'business'?"

"Just get ready." He said getting annoyed


Time skip brought to by my last ass

We're at Robert's base. Mom told Joel to lead and for me to just follow. As much as I wanted to help, mom would kill me if she saw me with a gun. So I just watched.

One by one Joel took those men, but as always it ended in a shoot out, but nonetheless we got to Robert. What a dumbass he trapped himself inside because of a gate that was meant to keep US out of it.

"Hello Robert."

"Tess. Joel. Kid. No hard feelings right?"

"None at all." Mom said while picking up a metal stick


He tried to run. 'tried'  mom stopped him but hitting his knee with the stick.

"Ah... goddamnit"

"We missed you." I said dripping with sarcasm

"Look,whatever it is you heard, it ain't true okay? I-I just wanna say-"

"The guns. You wanna tell us where the guns are?" Mom asked

"Yeah, sure but... it's complicated. Alright. Look just hear me out on this" he starts panicking "I gotta-" he was cut of by Joel kicking him in the face. "Fuck.." he cried

He stared begging Joel to stop putting pressure on his arm.

"Quit your squirming. You were saying ." I said bored

"I sold 'em." He said flatly. This bitch did what!?!?!

"Excuse me?" How mom stays calm I don't know

"I didn't have much of a choice. I owed someone."

"You owed us, I'd say you bet on the wrong horse."

"I just need more time." He said shaking "Give me a week."

"You know I might have done that if you hadn't tried to fucking kill me."

"C'mon it wasn't like that-" "Who has our guns?!" I asked getting impatient

He hesitated "I can't" Joel and mom look at each other scoffing

"J-just gimme a couple of days-"  Joel cut him off by breaking his arm. I kinda feel sorry for him.

"Who has our guns?"

"It's the Fierflys, I owed the Fireflys." This dude really has a death wish.

"What-" "Look they're basically all dead. We can just- Just go in there, finish 'em off. We get the guns. Whatdaya say? C'mon fuck those Fireflys." He said eagerly

"Let's go get 'em!!"

Tess pauses "That is a stupid idea." Then shot him in the head
"Well now what?" I asked

"We get our stuff back-" "How?" Joel asks"I don't know, we explain it to them. Look, let's go find a firefly."

"You  won't have to look very far."
I wrote this at 2 am it is now 4 am. But I hope you enjoyed this. I wanted to give Tess some love cuz I really did like her:( and I thought it would be cool to have Tess as a mom. But I should go to sleep byeeee

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