It's never safe

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A/N ummmmmm what the fuck. GUYSSSS I HIT 5K OMG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH.

Cameron's POV

So far this trip has been challenging. We got chased by a military turret, and I almost got separated from Joel and Ellie. Speaking of Ellie, throughout this eventful journey she's kept me company- not like she has a choice- we became more aware of each other, and now we both know a bit more about each other than we did before.

"I think we lost 'em."

"Good cause i'm exhausted." I sighed. "Who knew that in my sad, empathetic life I'd ever be doing this. Honestly-" I stopped mid sentence seeing Joel had been pulled away. Entering the room where Joel has been taken captive. Ellie pulled out her switchblade attacking the mystery man, who deflected it. I looked away from the scene knowing Joel could handle himself, and also because there was a kid holding a gun.

"Joel." Ellie said as she noticed the kid. "Seriously Joel, stop and look." I pointed.

"Leave him alone." Joel who finally stopped turning around. "Easy, there easy." Holding out his hand. "It's alright. They're not the bad guys. Lower the gun." The man sat up and turned to Joel. "Man you hit hard."

"Yeah, well i was trying to kill you." Joel argued. "I thought you were one of them." The man continues "Then I saw them. If you haven't noticed, they don't keep kids around. Survival of the fittest."

He got up, walking over to the kid -who roughly looked our age- taking the gun and placing it in the bag.

He then introduced himself, saying that his name was Henry, and the kids-who turned out to be his brother-Sam.

"Think I caught your name was Joel?" He added, then turned to Ellie hoping for a name.

"Ellie." She said.

Looking at the floor, debating if I should tell my name.

"And you?"


"How many are with you?" Joel interrupted

"They're all dead." Sam spoke up.

"We don't know that." Henry stated "There were a bunch of us. Someone had the brilliant of entering the city. Look for supplies. Those fuckers- they ambushed us. Scattered us. Now it's all about getting out of this shithole."

He then offered that we could work together, claiming there's a hideout around here.

"Alright, take us there." Joel said.

"Follow me." The older man said walking away.

Sam began walking besides us as we left the room. "Sorry about the whole gun thing."

"Don't worry, I would've done the same thing. Where are you from?" Ellie asked.

"All the way from Hartford." He answered

"Really? I heard some bad stuff going on down there."

"Yeah, the military abandoned the zone. It's why we left. Place probably looks like this by now." Henry joined. "We gotta be careful. We're right next to one of their lookout areas." He paused "Is it just you and your daughters." He asked

"We're not related, we're more like um..." Ellie paused looking for the right word."

"We promised someone we'd look after her." Joel continued for her. "And we are..? "Me and him." I confirm. "I can appreciate that."  We continued our partnered journey into a toy store, and I began wondering around, until I noticed Henry's frantic and uneven breaths.

"Wait, wait. Everyone be quiet." He shushed. "Get away from the windows."

I quickly hid behind one of the shelfs, and peaked my head out waiting till the huge truck passed. "It's gone." he paused "Man... that fuckin' truck. It's been hounding us ever since we got to this damn- Sam, what're you doing?"

"Nothing." He answered "Get rid of it." Henry shot back. My backpack is practically empty." He fought back. "What's the rule about taking' stuff?" He pointed. "It weighs like nothing." "The rule- what is it?" With a sigh Sam answered "We only take what we have to." Dropping the toy. "That's right. Now come on."

That was eventful.
"How far is this place?" I asked, breaking the awkward tension. "We're close. Real close."

Perfect, cause i'm exhausted. Running from military turrets isn't fun.  Though it seems as if luck is never on our side. There were hunters, there to be exact.

"Ellie, Cam', watch our back." 'Sir, yes sir." Saluting, as I grab my bow, preparing to strike. "Sam, stay with them." I hear a subtle 'okay' come from him.

There wasn't much to do seeing as Joel had this handled, but I still kept my bow out just in case.

"Not bad, old timer. Come on, up the truck we go." We climbed up to the roof, but quickly stopped once seeing more hunters. I turned to look at Henry. "I can do this, just cover me." I quickly drew the sting back, closing one of my eyes and within a second one man was down, one down and one more to go. I quickly shot the man down, earning praise from Henry. "Nicely done, kid. Where'd you learn how to use a bow n arrow?" I simply just ignored his question, seeing as the thought of it is still fresh in my mind. "Thanks."

We continue on, crossing a wooden plank and into the building where this 'hideout' is. "So... how old are you? Sam sparking up a conversation "Me? Fourteen." Ellie said  I simply shrugged my shoulders saying "Same. How about you?" He quickly answered with "Ah.. the same." Though Henry confirmed my thought. "Oh you're fourteen, huh?" "I'm close." He defended "Alright." "I am." he shot back.

"Well, here we are." Henry said, opening the door. "Welcome to my office."

"How long have you guys been holed up in here?" Ellie, asking mostly Sam. "A few days." He shrugged. "We found a bit of food, though. Here." He began making his way towards the couch. "Thank fucking god, i'm starving." Making my way towards him.  Handing both me and Ellie blueberries.

"I don't think i've ever had blueberries before." Shoving a few in my mouth "Really?" I turned to the girl, shaking my head 'no' before continuing. "Nope. I've had strawberries before though."

"C'mon man, we're safe." Henry exclaimed. I turned to them, tuning out Ellie and Sam. I stood up making my way to them. I then looked at Henry.

"It's never safe." I turned back, making my way to the now laughing duo.

I planned on making this longer but i didn't want you guys to wait too long. Please tell me if there are any mistakes and errors.

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