Bill pt1

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Chapter 6

Cameron's POV


Joel shut the door and slowly backed away from it.

"What the fuck? I can't believe we did that." Ellie said

"Stop." I say pushing myself off the door.

"We just left her to die."

"Ellie, just drop it! Let's just go. It's not safe here."I snapped

"Girls, we need to go. Follow me and stay close. We'll go upstairs. We can probably get out from there."

I followed not to far behind. Leaving your mom isn't the easiest thing to do. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

There was a ledge that lead to the front door.

There where soldiers around moms dead body. They killed her. My nose started stinging, and my eyes where getting blurry, but I no tears fell.

"They're gonna be here soon. We should hurry." Ellie stated

Shit more soldiers.

"Joel, what do we do?" I ask

"Just stay put. I got this." He answered

Time skip because I should be asleep

"I told you I wasn't lying." Ellie said

If she can breath in this stuff then I can too. I guess. Joel took out a soldier. While Ellie and I snuck around the other one.

We then traveled though abandoned trains, until we came across yet another obstacle. Water.

"Hey, uh, I can't swim." Ellie says

"That makes the two of us. I think we can go through here. Just stay close." I said

There was a drowned train with the top still afloat. Perfect.

"Hey, Ellie over here."

Ellie and I went on the train, which lead to another train, which lead to a platform. Where we met Joel.

It took awhile, but Joel found us a board.

"Get on."



"Is that going to hold the both of us." I ask

"Yeah. I hope."

That's not very reassuring.

Joel pushed us across to another platform. Where we found a ladder. I pushed it down.

"You need a hand?" I ask

"I got it. Alright let's get out of here."

We walked until we found a staircase that lead outside.

Joel sat down while I laid on a tree.

"Hey, look, um. . . about Tess. . . I don't even know what to-" Ellie was cut of by Joel

"Here's how this thing's gonna play out." He looked back at me. "You don't bring up Tess - ever. Matter of fact, we can just keep our histories to ourselves. Secondly, don't tell anybody about your condition. They'll either think you're crazy or they'll try to kill you. And lastly, you do what I say, when I say it. We clear?"

"Sure." She nodded

"Repeat it."

"What you say, goes."

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