You proud mom

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Chapter 10

Cameron's POV

"Goddamnit." I said

"What happened to sleeping?" He asked

"Okay, I know it doesn't look like it, but this here is not a bad read. Only one problem." Flipping the pages to the end to the book. "Right there. 'To be continued'!" Scoffing she said "I hate cliffhangers."

"Where did you get that?" He said looking back at us.

"Uhh, back at Bill's, I mean all this stuff was just lying there."

Answering with a sigh "What else did you get?"

Reaching over for my bag she replied with "Well... Here. This make you all nostalgic?"

"Hah! She called you old, Old man." I said

"Y'know this is actually before my time."

"Still old." I mumbled

"That is a winner though." He said placing it in. Leaning back with sigh. Seeing as he actually thought this was good, not that it was bad ,but this definitely made me convinced he was old.

"Oh, I'm sure 'your friend will be missing this tonight."

"What the hell is that?" I asked starting to regret letting her put this in my bag.

Completely ignoring what I said she continued "Light on the reading, but it's got some interesting photos."

"Let me see." Grabbing it out of her hands.

"T-that. Now 'Cam that ain't for kids."

"Woah. How... how the hell would he even walk around with that thing?" I said mortified.

"Get rid of that. Just-"

"Couldn't have said it better than myself." Passing it back to Ellie

"Oh. Why are these all stuck together?"

"You did not just put that thing in my damn bag! I even shook his hand."

"Still doesn't answer my question."


Laughing "I'm just fucking with you. Here move over." Tossing it out the window

"Bye-bye, dude."

It grew silent, and I started calming down. Without my permission the darkness overtook.

Feeling the car come to a stop, I looked forward to see sone guy injured and asking for help.

"Put your seat belt on. Ellie."

I also complied even if he wasn't speaking to me.

"He ain't even hurt." Was all I heard before I actually woke up. There were guys left and right, and the one in front even managed to shoot my shoulder.

"Goddamnit that hurt like a-" I was cut off by a bus to the side. Most literally. It came crashing down so quickly it almost knocked me out, but instead was left in a daze.

Woken out of my daze by a random man pulling me out of the cars.

"Let go of me you asshole!" I did everything I could I punched and kicked and with a slap to the face he threw me down.

He wrapped his hands around my neck and it was bound to leave a bruise.

I wasn't one to make people choose,but it did hurt when Joel went for Ellie first. Figuratively and literally.

The Last of me Ellie x female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now