Almost there

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Chapter 4

Cameron's POV

Finally. A break.

"Let's see where this leads." Joel said

"Can we take a break." I ask

"One we find a safe spot."

We walk through a rusted pipe that lead to a room.

"Yeah. This looks right. Stay close." Mom said

"Well at least we're out of the rain."

I second that.

"How's it look?"

"I think we can squeeze through here."

"Shit, shit. More soldiers. Keep quiet. Stay in the shadows." Joel said

"Are we safe?" Ellie asked

"No. They're still around. Look take a moment to catch your breath."

That I did. I took a water bottle out of my bag and took a few sips. I looked at Ellie.
"You want some?" Handing it to her.

"Sure. Thanks."

"You can keep it. I have more where that came from."

"Thank, again."

"No prob'."

It was kinda awkward after that, but Joel broke the silence by telling us that he found a way out.

"Alright they're gone."

Mom looked at Ellie. "Look- what was the plan? Let's say that we bring you to the Fireflies, what then?"

"Marlene. . . She said that they have their own little quarantine zone. With doctors there; still trying to find a cure."

"Yeah. We've heard that before, huh Tess?"

"And that . . . Whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine."

"Oh Jesus."

"It's what she said."

"Oh. I'm sure she did."

"Hey, fuck you, man. I didn't ask for this."

"Me neither. Tess what the hell are we doing here?"

"What if it's true?"

It is.

"I can't believe-"

"What if, Joel? I mean we've come this far, let's just finish it."

"Do I need to remind you what's out there?" There was a pause

"I get it." Mom walked away.

Ellie and I followed.

"This way." Mom said "If we cut through though downtown, we can hit the capital building by sunrise."

We started making our way. I walked close to Ellie. Whispering I said "I believe you."


"Shhh, keep it down." I paused "I said I believe you. That your immune, and all that shit."

"Why?" She asked

"Long story." I answered

"Got it. You know maybe one day you could tell me."

"How? Won't you be running with Fireflies? Or should I say. Flying."

"That was."

"Amazing right." I laughed

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