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Chapter 2

Cameron POV (I hope you don't mind it just was weird to have to write Y/N)

"You won't have to look very far"

A mysterious figure said
"There you go, queen Firefly." Joel said

"Why are you here?" Firefly asks

"Business." I state "You aren't looking so hot" I added

"Where's Robert?"

She walked out of the way to show Robert dead, lying on the floor.


The  Firefly shook her head in disapproval "I needed him alive." She said in a 'matter of fact' tone

"The guns he gave you. They weren't his to sell. I want them back."

"Doesn't work like that, Tess-"
"The hell it doesn't."

"I paid for those guns." She paused "You want 'em back? You're gonna have to earn 'em."

Mom looked back at us and I just shrugged. I didn't have much a of a choice in this. In my eyes this is just grown folks fighting over toys, except in this case the toys can kill. The hunger games?? Sorry I wouldn't know what it is. I just heard about it from one of the towns people -before they got shot-

"How many cards are we talking about?"

"I don't give a damn about ration cards." "I need something smuggled out of the city. You do that, I'll give you your guns back and then some."

It was silent until Joel broke it by saying "How do we know you got 'em?" He paused and walked up to her. "Way I hear it, the military's been wiping you guys out."

She paused and nods "You're right about that.. I'll show you the weapons."

Our 'friendly' conversation was put on pause because we heard military up ahead "Search the area." Person one said "Yes, sir." the other said

"I gotta move. What's it gonna be?" Marlene said looking at us

It took a moment, but- "I wanna see those guns." Mom said

"Follow me." Was all the Firefly answered

And so we did. We started running following the Firefly.

"We gotta get outta here. Now!"

"They locked it!" We heard from the military

Up the stairs we go. When I tagged along I didn't have following a Firefly in mind.

"Through here, I know a way around this. C'mon."

Up a ladder, up the stairs, and on the way to the roof we saw an explosion. 

"Is that your people?" I asked

"What's left of them. This is way"

"So why now?" Joel asked

"We've been quiet. Been planning on leaving the city, but they need a scapegoat. They've been trying to rile us up." The Firefly explained

I blocked them out and looked around the room. To be honest it was pretty plan, but what isn't plan nowadays.

"Cameron come on, this way"

"Got it mom."

"How you holding up?" Mom asked the Firefly

"I'll live." Was all she got

Up ahead were a few soldiers

"Hold up, soldiers. That's the way out, the door under the bridge."

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