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Chapter 5

Cameron's POV

She's not wrong. It's one hell of a view.

Now I can promise that I was looking at the capital. My eyes just started looking at Ellie. But I swear it was on the building.

"C'mon." Mom said snapping me out of my trance.

Mom was talking to Joel about something, but I couldn't hear. So I just let it slide.

"Let's keep moving girls."

The capital building was right around the corner.

"Hey, guys look at this. This guy has a Firefly logo on his arm." I said

"What if we get there. . . and they're all dead?" Ellie asked

"They won't be." Mom answered

"But, how do you know?"

"I j- I just do. Look it's gonna be fine."


That was kinda weird.

"Just putting it out there I can't swim."

"That makes the two of us."


No ones POV

Joel slowly opened the door to see dead body's on the floor. They're dead.

"No." Tess said

Tess ran to one of the dead Fireflies and searched to see if she could find anything useful.

"Well what now?" Ellie asked

"What are you doing, Tess?" Joel said as he walks up to her.

"Maybe they ah, maybe they had a map or something to tell us where they were going."

"How far are we gonna take this?"

"As far as it needs to go."

"Where was this lab of theirs?"

"Oh, she never said. She only mentioned that it was someplace out west."

"What are we doing here? This is not us"

"What do you know about us? About me, and Cameron?"

"I know that you are smarter than this."

"Really? Guess what, we're shitty people Joel. It's been that way for a long time."

"No, we are survivors!"

"This is our chance-"

"It is over, Tess!" "Now we tried. Let's just go home."

"I'm not. . . I'm not going anywhere."

Cameron's POV


"This is my last stop."

I cut in "What do you mean your last stop. You're coming back with me, and Joel. You said we could get a dog and go on a picnic and shit. Hell I want more stories of dad."

She looked a away "Our luck had to run out sooner or later."

"What are you going on about—"

"No don't- Don't touch me."

"Holy shit. She's infected."


"Cameron. . ."

"Let me see it."

"I didn't want this to-"

"Let!- Let me see."

She pulled her collar.

"No. You- you."

"Oops, right?" She walked to Ellie "Give me your arm. This was three weeks. I was bitten an hour ago and it's already worse. This is fucking real. Joel, you got to get her to Tommy's. He used to run with this crew, he'll know where to go."

"No,no,no, that was your crusade. I am not doin' that." He points at Ellie

I just stood there. I couldn't function properly. My mind it just shut down. Then there was this burning feeling in my nose, then my eyes got blurry.

"What about me!" I yelled looking up from the ground. " Tears staining my face. "What am I supposed to do.*sniff* when your gone. What-what am I-" I couldn't finish my sentence. Mom came and I was in her arm.

"I'm so sorry baby. I know. I know, but- I'm sorry. "

"I'm not leaving without you."

"Yes you are. You can't stay with me. You're going with Joel-"

"Fuck Joel. I want you."

We heard military trucks outside.

"Go. I can buy you some time, but you have to run." Mom says while letting go of me.

"You want us to leave you here?"


"There is no way that-"

"I will not turn into one of those things. C'mon. Make this easy for me."

"I can fight."

"No,no just go!"

I run up to her.

"I won't leave."

"You have too. Hunny listen to me." She holds me to where she can see my face. "Please, go with Joel. Don't cause him to much trouble."

"He won't have to worry about me 'cause I'm. Not. Going."

"Yes, you are. Now go before I ground you."

I look down "You can't ground me if your not there."

She took a look at me. She always said I had dads eyes. And his face. But I was always told I was just like her. I acted, I kinda sounded like her too.

"Go." She pushed me away.

Ellie took me away from her. And dragged me to to other room.

I slide against the wall. She's gone.


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