The gym pt2| Goodbyes

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Chapter 9

Cameron's POV

"Joel, we got a way in."

A clicker ran up behind him, pushing him down and Joel clubbed it with his elbow and then Ellie and I helped pull him in, but the clicker grabbed his ankles and Bill wasn't having it so he pulled Joel in and shot the bitch in its face.

Closing the door shut Ellie said" That's not gonna hold."

"Bill, make it fast!" Joel rushed

Joel and Ellie went to secure the doors while Bill opened the truck.

"It's empty."


"It's fucking empty!"

Ellie couldn't hold the door on her own so I went and helped her.

"Bill, where to?"


"Bill, where?!"

"Anywhere but here."

" Get ready to haul ass. C'mon." Joel said grabbing both of us.

Running into the next haul, we saw infected coming in, so we shut the doors.

But there was still infected.

We passed by them going to the back, to see a door open leading to a classroom.

"There's the door. We gotta sneak past them." Bill said

That's what we did. We got past them killing them one by one, till we found a gym.

"This isn't gonna hold for long."


"What was that?"

Out came this infected that's fatter then Bill. I didn't think that was possible!!

"What the fuck is that thing." I ask

"It's a goddamn bloater!"

"A what?!"

"Just stay back! I got this."

After a few molotovs and a nail bomb matched with a few shots. It's down.

Goddamn. I go to get a closer look at it. It's so. . . Ugly, and big, and wrinkly. Disgusting.

"Can we get out of here, please." Bill said

We got Bill up first then Ellie then me, Joel was the unlucky one, cause there were runners but he got them all.

Now let's get the fuck outta here.

"So that worked out well." Ellie said

There was this uncomfortable silence that came with tension.

"Okay, ah, I'll go check out this side of the house." Ellie continued

"I'll come with you." I offered

I ran off with her and we found a few thing, such as ammo, and health kits and etc..

Then we found this garage with a car.

"Well, isn't it out lucky day." I said

"Do you think it works?"

"I don't know, but I'll go get the guys just in case."

I walked in hearing them taking, or should I say yelling.

"Hey guys-" I stoped when my voice was barely heard.

Then they stopped. They stopped yelling. I looked for what caught their attention. It was a man, he was hanging from the ceiling.

"You know this guy or something?" Joel said


"Who's the hell is frank?"

"He was my partner. He's the only idiot that would wear a shirt like that." He went and cut the rope, letting the body fall with a thud.

"He's got bites. . . Here. And. . ." He trailed off.

"I reckon he didn't want to turn so he. . ."

"Yeah, I guess not." He pause "Well fuck him."

I looked at Bill with a whole new perspective. I felt sorry for him, that he lost someone one almost the way I did. At that moment I grew a new respect for him.

The silence was cut off with the sound of a car.

"Umm, we found a car, and it seems to work." I spoke breaking the silence.

They walked to the car seeing Ellie in there.

"Look what we found. It's got some juice in it." Ellie said

Bill went to the front of the car, which was conveniently open.

"That's my battery. Asshole." He shut the lid of car, and told Ellie to get. Only for him to enter.

Turning it on, he made the conclusion that the battery was dead. Meaning we just need to give it a push.

"Is that your guess?" Said Joel

"Look, you wanted a "plan B". This is as good as it gets."

"What're you thinking?" Ellie said

He looks at us and said"I'm thinking you two drive and we push."

Placing my stuff in the back, and hoping into the front seat next to the girl whose supposed to be driving the car.

"You good?" Said girl asked bring you back to reality.

"Huh, I'm fine. Why?"

"You seemed lost. I started to get worried." She said placing her hand on mine.

I looked are hands and back to her. "I'm fine, I promise." Giving her a small smile only for it to be returned back.

"You girls gonna be okay with this?" Joel said

"Yeah, you?" I looked at her "Peachy."

"You're doin' a good job. I figured you two should know."

"I won't let you down with this." She said shaking her head.

"Alright. You girls get ready."

"Yes sir." I said

"Alright, Bill, let's do it."

Bill opened the garage door and told Ellie how to start the car.

"I know how to pop a clutch."

"How the hell do-? Y'know what, I don't care. Just don't fuck it up!" Bill said starting to push the truck.

"Wow, Ellie, you're a natural."

"Shut up."

"Just keep turning right and we'll make it down the hill." Bill said


"That was fun." I said

"Your definition of fun is very different from mine."

"He won't make it if he stays with us." I took Chester out. "He'd be better off here. I'll be back."

Passing Joel I said "I'll be back in a minute."

"Hey, Bill, wait up."

"What do you need kid."

"Umm... I just wanted to say sorry. I was acting like an ass, even though you deserved it, my mom taught me better. 'Cause of that I'd like to start over. I'm Cameron." I said sticking out my hand.

Slowly he reached out and grabbed mine. "Bill." He said

"I also have a parting gift." Showing him Chester. "Take care him for me." Smiling at the man in front of me. I turned back towards the people I'd possibly be spending my life with. At that moment I'd made myself a promise to never let anything happen to them, they're the only family I have left.

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