The Last of Us Part ll review

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I have finally finished the game!!!!!!!

After playing the game I'd have two give it an 8.5/10. Why you may ask.

Well you probably don't wanna know but ima tell you anyway.

Off the graphics and gameplay alone, it's a 10/10. The environment is so calming to look at, even after fighting enemies, it gives you the feeling of relief.

And it's probably just me, but that's what I think.

And the gameplay, it's so lively that once I'm done fighting, my heart is racing, and the thoughts that come in my head once it's done is, do I have enough of this or do I have enough ammo, or do I need to heel myself.

It's almost like your linking in there world, and not just playing.

So 10/10 for gameplay and graphics + scenery.

The story for me it would have to be 8/10 and here is why.

Me, myself I thought if I was Ellie I would never, could never leave a child behind for some person that in the end would just get away. And I understand why Ellie does it, but not a lot of people do. Which is why I wish the gave us a choice.

Not all people understand why Ellie let her leave, some do.

As for story line.

If it's just the story line I would be crying my ass off, throwing the controller, and watt more. I  wish that the didn't kill joel early in game. And showed Abby's flashback before to. So we could understand where she was coming from.

So altogether I'd have to be an 8.5/10

Also I'm making a last of us and uncharted one-shot book. It should be out tomorrow or the day after.

Anyways Endure and Survive.

The Last of me Ellie x female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now