What in the IT

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Chapter 12

Cameron's Pov

"Alright ready."

"Yeah." The auburn hair girl threw a blueberry up into the air aming for her mouth only for it to hit her nose instead.  A soft 'ow' escaped her lips causing me to chuckle.

"A blueberry hurt you?" Sam asked playfully. Those two continued eating and chatting while I sat lost in thought. Joel. What the hell is up with him. He was never this distant, and this whole trip he's been clinging to her. God, am I jealous. Why wouldn't he cling to her, she's basically a cure for this mess.

Then my thoughts drifted to another island, mom. God I miss her. What would it be like if she were here. She'd probably make us turn around, just to bring me back to camp, and make sure that I'm safe and away from harm's way. And what's worse is that I never got to tell her. That i'm immune, just like Ellie.

Now, I may not show it, but mom's death took a huge toll on me. Why wouldn't it, she's my mom for fucks sake. And I wasn't always father-less. I had a dad once, and while I don't remember much, I remember the small things, like how he'd call me names, or how he'd make me laugh, how he made mom feel. Then he died and along the way came Joel and his brother, what was his name again. Thomas? Tommy?

Back to the point, Joel came in and he filled the whole in my heart that my 'dad' made. And now he won't even acknowledge me. It hurts, it really does. It feels like being bit by multiple infected and the crushed by a bloater, and no I don't speak from experience.

I guess my train of thought lulled me to sleep, 'cause in front of me stands Ellie, telling me I  should wake up unless I want to be left behind.

"Alright, y'all stay close." Henry said before he walked out of the room. And I did, I stayed close to Joel and Ellie while Henry and Same led the way. We continued on to stairs that went down,  that led us to what seemed like a hotel entrance. Though there were two people standing by a fire, and tons more outside by the looks of it.

"Okay, let's try to take them out quietly." I watched as Joel and Henry slowly crawled their way behind them, knocking them out at the same time. Once they were done Ellie, Sam, and I made our way towards the two adults, leading us outside.

"Hey kid, do you think you could get that one up there." Henry pointed at the guy, who's at the top controlling the lights.  "I can do better." I take out my bow and arrow, placing the arrow on the draw string, I pull back my right arm drawing the string. I take a breath and count to three in my head and on the number three I release the arrow, and send it to the man's head. I quickly grab another arrow, and repeat the process, causing the man to fall down.

"I think now would be a good time to join in, seeing as I don't have that many arrows." I point out seeing as the others have realized that their, once alive friend is down dead. I made my way back to Ellie, as I sat and watched Joel and Henry finish the other hunters off. Once we got to the gate, the military turret spotted us, making us rush to the other side, but there were other hunters on the bus, and Joel quickly shot them down. We then approached a truck with a small ladder on the side. Henry went first, then Sam, then Ellie, but once Ellie got up the ladder broke and fell off leaving me and Joel down here.

I turned around to look at the gate, and when I turned back Sam, and Henry were gone. Ellie jumped down and said "We stick together." We then went into a building, but the turret made its way through the gate. "Oh fuck, how the fuck do we get outta here." "Well Ellie, I know my sight isn't the best, but if i'm correct there should be a door in the far right corner of this building." I smiled with a sarcastic look. I continued on towards the room only to get shot at, luckily I did get hurt. I took out the guy that was farther away, while Joel took out the others.

"Alright, girls. Let's get underneath this."

Once we got under, the world made it very clear that today was not our day. We broke out into a sprint, trying to outrun the truck while it was shooting at us. But sadly the bridge came to an end and so did we."Fuck." "How many bullets and arrows do you guys have left?" "Joel, we don't have enough." I point out. "They're gonna kill us." Ellie joined. "What other choices do we have?" "W jump." Ellie said. "No, it's too high and you girls can't swim. I'll boost you guys up; y'all run past 'em." The turret was getting closer; way to close for my liking. "You'll keep us afloat." She kept pushing, but Joel ignored her. "No time to argue." Ellie grabbed my hand and pulled me down with her.

"Cameron! Ellie!" The truck got closer."Ah, damn it." Then he jumped.
(Ight roll credits, this is where it ends. Abby doesn't kill him and tlou2 never happened)

With the impact of the fall, and all the water I've swallowed I passed out, while Joel was reaching for me then Ellie, causing all of us to crash into a rock and become unconscious.

"Yeah, but Cameron's still unconscious." I heard a faint voice. It sounded soft and feminin. "Cam', c'mon wake up." I then felt like I was being shaked. Then reality hit, and everything came rushing back to me.

I slowly sat up, getting used to the fact that i'm no longer drawing in water, but on land."What happened?" I ask "Sam and Henry saved us. I let out a simple 'hmn' and stood up. "So what now?" I turned to look at Ellie "Well, Henry said that the building should be on the other side of the cliff, so I guess that's where we're going." "Alright, then let's find this tower, with the people who left us to die." I said with a smile, then walked away to adventure around to see if I could find anything.

"Hey Ellie, I think we found something!" I heard Sam yell from afar. He does know there's other people here other than Ellie, right. I silently scoff at Sam. "Let's go see what it is." She said next to me, and proceeded to grab my hand  before running off in Sam's direction, with me silently praying that she couldn't see the slight blush on my face.

The sewers? What in the IT? Do we really have to go in there, what if there's grey water? I slowly slide my hand out of Ellie's as I watch them go in. Joel turned to me "Are you coming?" "Nuh uh, that's gray water." "What the hell is grey water?" Ellie turned to look at me. "It's basically p-piss and shit. So i'm just telling y'all, you're basically splashing around in millions and gallons of infected pee." I saw Ellie pick up a stick -that was conveniently on the ground in the sewer- and looked at her in disgust. "A-ar-are you serious?" "It doesn't smell like caca to me, senior." With the same disgusted face as before "Okay, I-I I can smell that from here." "It's probably just your breath wafting back into your face." I take a deep breath before continuing "Have you ever heard of a staph infection-" "Oh I'll show you a staph infection." She cut me off. "T-This is so unsanitary."

At this point Joel and Henry's arms are starting to hurt from holding the entrance door for too long, and Sam kinda just wants to continue on into the sewers. While I'm still ranting and Ellie is picking something up with the stick, then launches it towards me. "Noo-o" "I'm-" I was cut off by Joel "Can you two just shut up, and you get in." I sigh in defeat and step into the grey water.

(I'm sorry i had too, but at the same time i'm not that sorry)

Then came in Joel, and Henry. The second I started walking, I turned on my light and made sure I didn't step in anything. I quickly hurried to the front, and once I was next to Ellie I slipped my hand into hers, and continued on as if nothing happened.

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