Bill's pt2

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Chapter 7

Cameron's POV


"See that wire? Stay underneath it okay? Just keep your head low, and you'll be fine." Joel said


The second I crawl under the wire, I hear a banging sound on the door to my left.

"You hear that?" I asked

"Yeah." Joel answered

Joel started walking to the door. It was locked to he did the shiv thing, that unlocks doors.

"Holy fuck, you're going in there? I asked

"I wanna see what we can find." He answered

"You're gonna find my dead body once I die of a heart attack." I said

"Don't worry. I got this."

We began walking up the stairs, which lead to a room. Out of nowhere a runner came and attacked us.

"Geez. That thing scared the shit outta me." Ellie said

"Well, while we're here, let's search the place." Joel said

"Aye aye, captain."

"What just happened?" I said hold an upside down Joel.

"It's another one of Bill's stupid traps!" Joel said.

I looked around to see if I could find what turned his world upside down. Hehe. There was a fridge,and I seemed to be what was holding him hostage.

"Hey, Ellie. The fridge, do you think you can cut the rope."

"Yeah, no pressure."

Fucking infected. Everything is fucking great.

"Hey, Joel, it would be awesome if you could give me a gun." I said

He passed me his pistol, and gave me a tiny lesson on how to use it.

"Shit. There coming!"

I was a sitting duck! I've never used a gun before, I'm on land, and there's so many damn infected!

So I came up with a strategy. Run. Shoot. And run some more.

"Cameron! Joel!"

"Just cut the rope! I'm still alive!" I said.

I ran around and shot down some infected until one came behind me.

It bit me.

Next thing I knew it was dead. Oh! And Ellie fell to ground. Leaving her vulnerable. But I was there to save and protect her. But she did do pretty well without me and Joel.


"You good Joel?" I asked


"Joel watch out!"

"Damn. . . that was close." I said trying to breath.

"Hey, thanks for the heroics and all." Ellie said.

We stuck our hand out. I didn't want to cause I don't know where his hand might have been? But I have to be nice so. . .



He went to shake our hands- wait handcuff us. WAIT WHAT!

"Hey, asshole what are-"


"What are you doing?" We said at the same time


The fuck is wrong with this dude!

"We pull on three. Ready?" I looked to Ellie

"One. Two. Three!"

"Anything sprouting?"

"No, goddamnit I'm clean!"

We started hitting him with the pipe, he handcuffed us too.

Payback bitch.

"Stop!" Joel toon the pipe away from us.

"You done?"

"Am I done. . .? You come into my house, you set off all my traps, you damn near break my shootin' arm. Who the fuck are these punks and what are they doing here?"

"I am none of your goddamn business." Ellie started

"And we're here cuz' you owe Joel and my mom some favors."

"And where you is she?" Bill sassed back.

"You sonova-" I was rudely cut off.

"Girls!" Joel shouted

"Pfft- I owe Joel some favors, is this some kind of joke?"

"I'll cut to the chase. I need a car."

"Well, it is a joke. Joel needs a car. Well, if I had one that works, which I sure as hell don't, what makes you think I'd just give it to you? Huh? Yeah, sure Joel, go ahead, take my car. Take all my food too while you're at it."

"By the looks of it, you could lose some of that food."

"Fat ass." I mumble.

He pointed his machete at us. "You listen here, you little shit-"

"No, fuck you. You handcuffed us-"

"I need you to shut up. Alright?"

"Whatever favors you think I owe ya, it ain't worth that much."

"Actually, Bill, they are."

"Well, it don't matter 'cause I don't have a car that works."

I kinda just blocked them out at this point. What an ass, bringing my mom into this.

"Couple of day from now we'll be dead anyway." Joel said as he undid the cuffs.

"Good. Follow me. Whole gooddamn town's booby trapped, best stay right an my ass."

I looked back and said. "Can't miss it."

"Really?" Joel said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, thanks for saving my ass." Ellie said

I looked back at her. Took a deep breath and said. "You're welcome."

"Y'know this dude is an ass." She said

"Yeah, it like his parents put a stick up his ass."

Joel came up to me. "Hey, Cam, ima need my gun back."

"Are you fuckin' kidding me?"

"Does it look like I'm playing."

"Hell no, I'm not giving it back."

"Goddamnit I don't have time for this." He pushed his hand out. "Give it."

I handed it to him. "Why are all males assholes. This is why I prefer girls." I whispered under my breath.

"What did you say?"

I turned to look at Ellie. "Nothing, don't worry about it."

The Last of me Ellie x female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now