Theres to many

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Chapter 3

Cameron's POV

What to do now. . .

I walked around to see if the was anything to do here, but it was useless so I sat in the love seat and stared at the window watching it rain outside. The rain was always calming, and the view was just-

"So... I never really caught your name?"

"Huh? Oh, Cameron."

"I'm Ellie but you probably already know that."

"What's your deal with Marlene anyway?"

"An answer for an answer?"

"Fine, go ahead and ask away." She really caught my eye. Not in a certain type of way, she just. I don't know.

"Who is she to you?"


"That girl that left with Marlene."

"Oh. That's my mom, Tess. She's the 'Big Boss' back at the quarantine zone." I never really got why they called her that. Yeah everyone knew her but.-

"About Marlene."

That caught my attention. What can I say, I wanted to know why she was out with a Firefly - never mind the queen bee.

"She knew my mom, and I just happened to bump into her at the right time. And if your trying to get me to tell you why I need to smuggled it won't work."

"It was worth a shot."

That got her to laugh.

"You know I've never been this close to the city before."

"Same here."

After that is was just silence. Not an awkward one, it was calming, peaceful. So peaceful that I soon drifted off to sleep.


"You mumble in your sleep. I hate bad dreams."

"Yeah, me too."

"You know, I've never been this close." She said looking back at Joel "To the outside."
"Look how dark it is." There was a moment of silence.

Joel went to light the lamp

"Can't be any worse out there. Can it?" She asked standing up

"What on earth do the Fireflies want with you?" He asked

"Hey. Sorry it took so long. Soldiers fuckin' everywhere." Tess said

"How's Marlene?" Ellie asked

"She'll make it." Tess looked at Joel "I saw the merchandise. It's a lot. Wanna do this?"


"Let's go" she went over to Cameron and shook her awake. "Hey Cam' wake up, we gotta go."

"I'm up."
We got up and went on stated our journey.

"Don't you think it's a bit strange that they're having us do their smugglin'" Joel asked

"Marlene wanted to do it herself. We weren't their first choice, or second for that matter. She's lost a lot of men. Beggars can't be choosers." My mom answered

"Yeah, let's just hope there's someone alive to pay us.

We went on, by going through the gap in the wall. Mom, Ellie, and I went on the elevator shaft, while Joel went to turn on the generator on. After a push to the button, we started going down.

The Last of me Ellie x female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now