The gym pt 1

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Chapter 8

Cameron's POV

"So this the infamous Bill?" I ask

"Yep, he's one of a kind."

"By one of a kind you must mean a paranoid, fat, asshole. Then yeah, totally."
"So you didn't answer my question about Tess. I mean I thought the two of you were inseparable. Plus she wouldn't shut up about that damn kid." Bill the asshole said.

I chuckled. It was nice to know she talked about me. She did say she would've brought me to see Bill, just not under these circumstances.

"She's busy, and her kids here to." He pushed me forward.

"What the hell you want me to do? Kiss his ass?"

"C'mon be nice."

"Fine. If you were even listening before you handcuffed me, I'm Cameron, Tess's daughter."

"Ha! Would've never known. You look nothing like the bitch."

I had to refrain myself from hurting his no no square.

What. An. Ass.
"Well, here we are. You two. Don't touch anything. And you close the door." Bill said as we entered the safe house.

"Nu uh."

"What? We need guns." Ellie said

"No you don't."

"Joel, we can handle ourselves. Cameron even proved she's good with a gun."

"No. Just stay here." He backed away.

"Fine. We'll just wait around for you two to get us killed."

"Pfft-. Oh! Hey, look."

There was a stack of books just lying there. There were comics and magazines.


"What?" I looked at the owner of the sound. I walked toward her.

"What is this?" She asked

"Umm. . . I think it's-" I started

"Hey! What did I say to you when we walked down the steps? What did I say?" Bill yelled. Which was totally unnecessary.

"Just fixing your stupid pile." I said.

"Don't touch!"

I paused then flipped him off.

"Take one." I say

She looked at me. "Didn't you here what he said."

"So. C'mon, I'll cover you."

After convincing the girl, I turned around so my back was facing her.

"Can I put them in your bag?"

"Go ahead, but watch out for Chester." I answered

After a lot of shuffling and adjusting Chester, we got them in.

I turned around until I was pushed back.

"What?" I ask

"Cameron, were you bit?"

Fuck. . .  How could I forget such an important thing.

"Umm. . . Fine." I turn around "But, you can't tell Joel."

I pull of my left glove(A/N you were gloves, like the fingerless gloves.) and I show her the bite mark I have on my palm.

"Surprise. I've had this one for a while now. About 3months."

"What, why didn't you tell me?"said girl.

"Same reason you didn't tell us." I pause and put my hands on her shoulders. "You can't tell anyone, not even Joel. Promise."
I stick out my pinky finger.

"Promise." intertwining our fingers and sealing it with a kiss(A/N on the thumbs geez)

"Hey, before we go, umm, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about your mom, I know we're not aloud to talk about it, but I really am sorry."

I felt this burning feeling on my nose, with caused my eyes to get teary.

"It's fine. You don't have to apologize, it was gonna happen sooner or later, just didn't think it would happen this soon." I walked away.

—Time skip brought to you by me trying to be stealthy and horribly failing—

He really should've given us guns.

"Run! Run!" Shouted Joel

"They're coming from everywhere!" Ellie said

There were infected everywhere. But with Bill's help they we all dead.

"Well that easier than I thought it'd be. They must be holed up somewhere else."
Said Bill

"Well, let's not test our luck. How do we get inside?" Joel said

We walked around looking for a way to get to the truck.

"Someone left a ladder on the bus. Here, get me up there and I'll drop it to you." Said Ellie

Joel then boosted Ellie to the top of the bus.

"Don't get killed up there." Bill said

"Thanks, Bill."

"Ladies first." Said the one with the porno.

"Pfft- fuck off." I said climbing up.

"We're okay. We just need to get to the hood of the truck."

We jumped off the bus which seems pretty high in my case. But who knew that infected can here you drop from bus, miles away. I didn't.

"You hear that? They're coming. Move it, kid! Alright, we're gonna get in quick. We're gonna get the battery. We're gonna get the hell outta here."

Joel held off the infected while Bill opened the window.
Here you go. I felt bad so I made two chapters in one day. Also the uncharted one shot will come soon it's just I haven't been feeling the best.

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