Chapter 1

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"Naruto-kun C-can I talk t-to y-you for a m-minute?"-Hinata

"Yeah sure wassap?"-Naruto in a casual tone.

"O-ok so............"-Hinata 

"Hinata are you ok? You are very red.."-Naruto

Hinata looks around and see's her friends encouraging smiles. She takes a deep breath closes her eyes.

"Naruto-kun I-i.."-Hinata

"You what?"-Naruto impatiently 


"Hinata-chan I really have to be somewhere right now so bye"-Naruto says and walks away

Hinata is mentally frozen, paralyzed until she shouts "I LOVE YOU NARUTO-KUN"

Naruto freezes and than turns around to see Hinata staring at the floor with an unreadable expression

"Y-you love me? H-hinata you know that I like Sakura-chan don't you?"-Naruto

"Yes I do.."-Hinata is a silent voice

"Than why did you choose to confess?"-Naruto

"I-i just wanted to let you know..."-Hinata in a tiny voice..

"I'm sorry.."-Naruto rubbing his neck

"It's ok.."-Hinata smiled at him, quickly spun around and left. 

Hinata POV:

Those words shattered my heart.. I don't know how I managed to smile when my whole world was crumbling around me.. I couldn't take it anymore.. I was about to cry. I couldn't let him think anymore badly of me than he already did so I quickly spun around and left, Ignoring the sympathy-filled looks my friends gave me and trudged back to my house. I could feel tears pricking my eyes and tried to unsuccessfully tried to blink them away. I could still feel him looking at me until I turned a corner. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care, It's not like my father would care if I got killed right here. I absent-mindedly reached the spot where me and Naruto first met..

I few guys were bullying me and he saved me.. I have his torn scarf to this day. The day was still freshly-imprinted in my mind..

I sat down under one of the trees. I couldn't hold it in anymore so I suddenly started crying with my head in my knees. After I had let everything out, I started to feel a bit sleepy so I let sleep over take me..

After I got up, I still had anger and sadness in me so I let it all out by destroying the area. I started swearing. I had never swore but now was the time to stop the nice-kind-girl-act. I don't even care anymore

"Goddamn it why do I feel this way? I thought I was already prepared for this"-Hinata

The whole area was destroyed in a matter of minutes.. I suddenly started feeling really hot so I removed my jacket and than my head started spinning, Than everything went black

Naruto POV:

I kept my eyes on Hinata's retreating figure, Her shoulders were slumped and even tho I couldn't see her face I knew she was sad. I don't know how, It was just a gut feeling. She suddenly rounded a corner quickly but gracefully and left, She wasn't quick enough I managed to see her eyes filled with tears as she desperately tried to blink them away. I suddenly started feeling very bad and my heart was pounding, again I did not know why. I decided to call off the meeting with Sakura-chan for some unknown reason.. I walked around town cuz I had nothing else to do when I spotted someone with midnight-blue hair 

Guess who?














Hinata Hyuga

Her Hair was really messy and there were tear-stains on her cheek

She was lying unconscious on the ground without her damn jacket. They were HUGEE.... I found it hard to concentrate somewhere else.. But I didn't know where her house was so I took her to mine.

When she woke up she yelped and looked at me. 

"Hey Hinata, I-uh saw you unconscious in the forest and since I didn't know where your house was I just brought you to mine.."-Naruto rubbing his neck

"Ok Thanks now I will be going"-Hinata awkwardly got up but fell immediately. I had to catch her before she fell on the table. I saw her closing her eyes waiting for impact. She than opened her eyes and looked at me, Blushed and sat back on the couch..

She crossed her hands around her chest in an awkward way, Seeing that she was uncomfortable I got her one of Sakura's jackets. I don't think she would be able to fit considering.. but she accepted it gratefully. She fumbled with the zipper and It was honestly kinda cute.

She was trying to zip it above her chest but she eventually gave up and huffed pouting..

I unknowingly smiled a bit.

"Hey Hinata do you want some food?"-Naruto


I got up and quickly made some ramen as expected. I gave some to her and ate some myself.

After that she tried to get up again but she couldn't so I had to give her a piggyback ride..

she showed me the way to her house awkwardly

"Hinata, We could still be friends ya know?"-Naruto




It was silence once again..

We only chatted about our well-being, Food, Missions ect

We soon reached her house I dropped her in her room and left. I felt kind of empty right now who knew rejecting someone would be that hard?

When a certain pinkette called out to me

"Hey Naruto"-Sakura

"Oh hey Sakura-chan!!"-Naruto perked up

"So what are you thinking about?"-Sakura

"Well earlier Hinata came to me before I was going to meet you and..."-Naruto


"She said that she loved me.."-Naruto in a tiny voice

"Wow she actually did it, So what did you say to her than?"-Sakura

"Well, I said no.."-Naruto looking at the ground

"WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY NARUTO? Do you even know how much time it took her to gather all the courage for this?"-Sakura


"Naruto you just shattered her courage in one word.."-Sakura looking disappointed

I just walked away and went to my house..

I did feel sad and kinda guilty.. So I thought that I was going to make it up to her tomorrow. Thinking that I fell into a dreamless sleep

Hinata POV:

He dropped me to my room and I was kind of thankful that he wanted to be friends but I had enough.. I just couldn't look at him again without breaking.. I decided than and there that from now on I will only concentrate on my goals... 

I will become stronger..


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