Chapter 20

885 14 20

(Not a lot in this chapter.. But read it.. It's really important.. You'll be lost in the next chapter if you don't)

Naruto had been kicked out of Hinata's house.. but we all know Hinata being the little cinnamon bun she is would never ever do that.. Naruto was just over exaggerating

What really happened was.. Hinata is an extremely light sleeper.. Heavens knows how she didn't here Naruto's chair scraping on the floor.. There was a doorbell, Hinata jumped up giving him a small smile and a hasty 'good morning'.. Then after the while she rushed into the bedroom

"It's my grandpa.. He cannot know your here.. You need to leave now"-Hinata cleaning off the makeup from last night

"Aw.. Fine.. But can you come to my house after your done with whatever meeting is going on"-Naruto 

"Yeah sure"-Hinata nodded before hurriedly shooing him out

And from then on he was depressed.. Anime-style.. You could literally see the depression cloud over his head.. What the hell was he depressed about?.. Psh definitely not Hinata.. Totally.. 

Loving a person and loving food is totally different..Loving a person is wayy more intense then loving food..

And- He bumped into a pole interrupting his completely-useless-train of thought

"Ouch"-Naruto muttered rubbing the big bruise on his head

His blue eyes scanned the road ahead stopping at a homey-sweet-shop

Hey.. If I eat what Hinata likes then maybe I can get some ideas on how to confess... He thought as he ordered a Cinnamon bun

"Hey old man.. Can I have some cinnamon buns?"-Naruto grinned

"Anything for the hero of the village.. It's on the house"-The man taking a clean tissue and placing a golden brown cinnamon bun on it..

Man,Being the hero of the village sure had it's perks.... and some cons too.. Naruto thought recalling the time when Fangirls stormed his house

"Thanks"-Naruto called out sitting at a table

The first thought was screaming it from the top of the Hokage Mountain.. but Hinata wouldn't like that, She was more of a private person..

The second thought was serenading her.. But he couldn't sing.. His voice sounded like nails on a chalk board..

He sighed.. What does Hinata like?.. Well.. I would associate her with cute things, For some reason they just go with her personality.. Cuz she's cute!!

"You seem troubled.. Is it girl trouble?"-A waiter

"H-How'd you know?"-Naruto shockingly looking up

"Well.. Your still single..and us men always have one women on their mind unless your gay of course"-The waiter chuckled

That guy's weird but whatever.. If he can help..THEN THAT'S GREAT!

"Uh.. So do you know what girls like?"-Naruto hopefully

"Depends.. What type of girl are you talking 'bout?"-The waiter sitting on top on the table

Dude.. This guy is seriously sitting on top of my damn table.. and he's too close.. Naruto thought discreetly shifting away..

"Uhm.. Well... She's kind, compassionate, beautiful, cute, strong, determined-"-Naruto starts

"Woah man your whipped"-Waiter chuckled

Naruto scowled at him..

"She's the kind type and will appreciate everything especially if she cares deeply about you.. It's the thought that counts honestly"-Waiter

So basically this conversation is a waste of time?? What the hell is wrong with this guy?.. Naruto thought indecorously..

"So if I give her a large bouquet of flowers, A stuffed animal, Chocolates and take her on a date.. She'll like it?"-Naruto

"Yeah man"-Waiter nods eating Naruto's cinnamon bun

"Hey. THAT'S MINE"-Naruto snatches the empty plate from him

"I helped you didn't I?.. Consider it payment.. Good luck with your girl"-Waiter winked and jumped off his table

Naruto sighed and walked out of the shop..

In the next few hours he found everything he needed to absolutely bedazzle Hinata.. He bought a bouquet of white and red roses along with a stuffed bunny which had the cutest smile (Exactly like Hinata's smile ) and heart chocolates.. He would also ask her out.. If he knew what to say

Another major problem..

"Naruto-kun?"-Hinata waved from his front door

"Oh sorry for making you wait"-Naruto nervously hiding the bag in his hands

Hinata glanced at the bag but never questioned it.. Thankfully..

"It's fine.. I just arrived" about an hour ago thought Hinata grinning at her love-sick behavior.. She's hurried the meeting with her grandpa.. He was just asking her how strong she had become after the Training trip.. He didn't even ask her how she was after these weeks like a normal grandfather should.. But that's the usual, The clan and it's selfish ways.. She glanced at the stuffed ear poking out of Naruto's bag

"Also what's that?"-Hinata pointing to a bunny ear sticking out of the bag

"Oh t-that's for you"-Naruto taking it out and handing it to her

"R-r-r-really? T-T-Thanks"-Hinata hugging the bunny

"I think I should call you Bunny-chan.. You guys match perfectly"-Naruto grinned.. Hinata smiled while blushing heavily

His breath hitched slightly when she smiled.. He hid his blushing face by opening the door.. They both entered together brushing shoulders

"S-so what do you want to do?"-Hinata playing with her fingers

"Ah let's play some board games.. I've got new ones"-Naruto leading her inside

In the next few hours they chatted and joked like old times.. Naruto being himself snuck a few pick up lines throughout their conversations..

Just as she was about to leave

"A-Ano Hinata?"-Naruto called out

There was something weird going on.. Naruto only called her Bunny-chan this whole time.. It was infuriating and adorable at the same time

"Yeah? What's up?"-Hinata turning around

He took a deep breath walking towards her when suddenly there was a loud noise.. It got louder and louder each second.. Almost as if it was heading towards them.. Naruto sensed something wrong and at the last minute he pulled Hinata to the back of his house, Hugging her unconsciously as a explosion racked through his house..

After the smoke cleared.. They coughed and sneezed limping out of the house.. Hinata didn't have any major injuries, Thanks to Naruto protecting her but the said man had a deep wound on his left arm and injuries all over him..

She supported lead him outside through the smoke.. 

Her lavender eyes scanned the village and almost immediately she wished she hadn't.... 

It was Horrifying..


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