Chapter 24

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Hinata spent about one week approximately in her room.. She lost track on the 3rd day of her mini quarantine... And she spent that time researching the meaning of dreams.. Many of the books blabbered about horoscopes and bad luck while others talked about crap like nightmares.. That dream was not a nightmare, It was more like a fantasy..

She felt like crap and looked like crap probably.. but that would lower her self esteem even more if it was possible..

It was frustrating and maddening how the Hyuga library (The largest library in Konoha) didn't have a single scientific answer.. 

There was a knock on her door..

"Who's there?"-Hinata with a hoarse voice

"Young miss, your friends are here.."-A voice called out

She groaned rolling of her bed and passing a mirror..

 I look like a ghost.. She thought as she pinched her sweaty pale cheeks.. 

Sometimes Hinata wished that she was the slightest bit tanned.. like any of her friends.. Hell, she looked like a vampire without those sharp teeth..

She washed her face to try and look presentable.. but that didn't work.. and then door almost broke..

"Hinataaaa why're you taking sooo long?"-Ino's voice yelled in her room

She froze next to her bathroom sink...Her friends shuffled around the room and the Tenten opened the bathroom door

"Woah.. You look..bad"-Tenten looking at her from up to down

"Gee thanks.."-Hinata brushing past her

"Oooh this is good"-Ino taking out a lavender mid-thigh dress which Hanabi gave her on her 15th birthday but she never wore it since it was so.... not her style..

"What are you guys doing here?"-Hinata sighed

"We're taking you out"-Sakura grinned

"Your what?"-Hinata

"Well.. We knew that you'd be down because you couldn't confess and so we decided collectively to go to a club or something.. but then the guys heard of it and they wanted to come to so now The Konoha 12 together are going to a club together just to party for no reason"-Tenten taking a deep breath after explaining

"That's nice of you but I look really ugly and don't feel like coming"-Hinata sweetly

"No excuses.. Cmon, I'll make you pretty as a princess which you are"-Ino pulling her towards the messy vanity in the corner

Tenten looked relieved that she wasn't first and Sakura helped Ino with the hairstyle.. Ino looked evil.. Like she was satan's child..

"I-Ino, w-w-w-what a-a-are you doing t-t-to m-my hair?"-Hinata slightly creeped out

"Oh nothing.. Just curling it and then pining it... But don't worry.. You'll look pretty"-Ino grinned

At the end of the looooong process... Her head felt like it was on fire.. but it looked cute.. Her hair was tied in a high pony and curled at the end.. (Imagine Hinata's wedding hairstyle.. Kawaii!!)

"Ouch.. You are never touching my hair again.."-Hinata whispered furiously 

"Aw but you look so pretty darling"-Ino 

"That's true.. but still.. it hurt"-Hinata pouted

"Whatever.. Now the dress and makeup"-Ino

"There's more?"-Hinata 

"Yeah.. Naruto'll come beg at your feet after I'm done"-Ino twirling around with the lavender dress before handing it to her..

"He's coming?"-Hinata

"Obviously.. Did you not hear the part 'The whole Konoha 12'"-Tenten poking her head out of the bathroom

After many protests she put it on..

"You look so cute and pretty.. Absolutely gorgeous.."-Ino clapped her hands together

"You look really pretty too"-Hinata smiled

"You'd make a nice waifu"-Sakura


"I can imagine coming home after a long and tiring mission, you open the door with that adorable smile of yours and we would have your delish food for dinner"-Sakura sighed dreamily

She smiled awkwardly...

"Right all of us're ready.. Lets go get some boys"-Ino

"Speak for yourself"-Tenten muttered pulling at the hem of her dress..

They walked towards the club which Ino had picked... They met with the boys in front of the club.. Naruto had looked at her more times then she thought he would but every time it was a confused stare.. but he did give her an awe-struck stare when she first saw him and suddenly everything was worth it.. even how the dress squished her guts.. and her scalp stiff with all the hair products..and those pointy heels.. Agh

She wobbled over to the bar with the help of Tenten who was facing the same problem.. But Tenten kicked off her heels and disappeared into the croud with a drink in her hand leaving Hinata alone.. 

The party was lit.. Music was loud and the people.. dancing and twerking as usual.. Nothing out of place except Naruto would glance at her in the middle of his conversation with Kiba at the intervals of 5 seconds or sometimes 4..

Yes she was counting.. There was not much to do in this boring club... She got up and decided to leave.. There wasn't anything to do here.. And she felt like someone was watching her.. but after checking the whole area with her Byakugan she walked towards the Hyuga Compound.. and then got hugged by someone.. Literally..

Someone walked behind her and hugged her.. It surprised her and she flinched, immediately reached for her kunai pouch.. or where it was supposed to be..

"Your still very touch-starved"-A familiar voice and she froze..


HA.. Didn't expect that right??.. Wonder who that was...

If you did, you're a genius..

Yep anyway- Last chapter next and then epilogue!!

Epilogue is a maybe...

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