Chapter 7

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(The sealing info in this chapter is not 100% accurate)

"What?!!"-Hinata got up

"I-i t-tried to t-t-tell them b-but they didn't l-listen"-Hanabi cried

I sighed and sat back down

"B-but d-don't w-worry the village w-will not know s-so you don't h-have to worry-"-Hanabi started

"I-I'll do it.."-Hinata

"Elder sister I was thinking that I would do it.."-Hanabi started

"None of that, I'll do it.. "-Hinata sternly

"F-fine, I'll start the ceremony.."-Hanabi sadly

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.. Ok?"-Hinata

Hanabi nodded and left. I drank the cup of tea placed before me as I hoped that the tailed beast about to be sealed is a nice one..

I was summoned to the courtyard in 5 minutes. I shakily put my tea down and followed the guard. I was to lie in the center while the beast was sealed inside me. A human sacrifice was used to seal the beast..

In a few minutes it was over. I went to my room and lifted my shirt. I saw a swirly seal like Naruto's.. Well, I was a jinchuriki now.. I tried to talk to the tailed beast..

Hey Helllo?

Tailed beast?

 Your my new host.. I see - A cat completely ingulfed in blue flames with one green eye and the other yellow

Hi, I am Hinata what's you name

How do you know I have a name?

W-well Naruto t-told m-m-me that a-all Tailed-Beasts h-h-have names

Ah I see your friends with Kurama's host.. That makes it easier.. I always thought the Hyuga were all high and mighty.. But you are kinda nice

Thank you

My name is Matatabi, The two tails. Nice to meet you Hinata

Nice to meet you too Matatabi

"Hey sis... Did it hurt?.. How are you?.. Is she/he nice to you?"-Hanabi

"No it didn't hurt.. I'm fine and she is super nice.."-Hinata smiled

"Also you can become stronger with the help of her.."-Hanabi 

A Hyuga burst into the room

"Hey, Get out can't you see we're having some serious talk"-Hanabi

"Apologies Lady Hanabi but the Sealing of the Tailed-beast has somehow been leaked to the whole village."-Hyuga panted

"WHAT?"-Hanabi said as she ran outside and screamed at a few Hyugas

"What happened? Could you stop it?"-Hinata

".....No..."-Hanabi looking glum

"What? Your telling me the whole entire village knows I am a jinchuriki?"-Hinata panicking


"Who's fault is this?"-Hinata angrily

"I don't know.. Our system was hacked and the info was broadcasted live on TV"-Hanabi

"Ugh.."-Hinata as she shut the door on Hanabi's face

I'm sorry Hinata...

It's not your fault

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