Chapter 8

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Now the hardest part.. FINDING HINATA. God knows where that girl hangs out. I checked her house and than the compound.. She wasn't there. I walked through an empty street thinking where she could be right now..

When I saw Sakura and Hinata in a cinnamon bun shop. I hid behind the tree watching Hinata gobble down an inhumane amount of cinnamon rolls. They started walking again and I followed them to the bench that Hinata took me to that day.. They were chatting about random stuff and I was getting hella boredd. Who knew waiting for the right opportunity to give a girl some flowers would be sooo hard?

I followed them to the bench on the cliff that Hinata bought me to that day.

Hinata POV:

I was walking in the alleys like usual fighting off some guys who dared lay a hand on me. They were really strong and the fact that it was 7 vs 1 made it harder. Someone with pink hair whizzed in and punched the last two in the jaw and I only know one person with Pink hair. SAKURA!!

"Arigato Sakura"-Hinata bowed

"No problem Hinata, Wanna hang out? I have nothing to do right now"-Sakura grinned

"Yeah Same"- Hinata

We roamed around the village and mostly kept to empty areas which I am thankful for. Than we stumbled upon a cinnamon bun shop and you know I had to eat. I gobbled up at least 20 buns and than patted my stomach. 

"Ok now where should we go now?"-Sakura

"Hmm I have an idea"-Hinata

I took her to the bench on the small cliff and we admired the view for a minute before chatting about random stuff. Sakura opened the topic 'Future'.

"Hinata have you made any plans for the future?"-Sakura

"Hmm No not yet... but I am going to become stronger"-Hinata

"Wow I was thinking of marriage and finally settling down"-Sakura

"That's nice.."-Hinata

After a moment of silence

"Hinata....Your sure you have no problem with Naruto going on a date with me?"-Sakura

I hesitated a bit.. 

"Y-yeah as long as he's happy.. I guess"-Hinata

"Hinata he could maybe like you. Why give up?"-Sakura

"I tried Sakura but h-he doesn't think of me that way..."-Hinata shaking a bit

I could feel tears coming so I let my hair cover my face. I blinked rapidly.

"Hinata are you not telling me something?"-Sakura

"N-no, I told you everything"-Hinata

"Hinata tell me everything or I'll choke you"-Sakura playfully

"I'd like that"-Hinata pulling her knees closer to her

"Hinata please.. No jokes.. Just tell me what's bothering you"-Sakura worryingly

"Fine.. But you promise not to laugh"-Hinata threatened

"Why would I?"-Sakura

"Because the situation I'm in a hillarious"-Hinata mumbled

Sakura glared at me

"Stop Stalling Hinata"-Sakura threatningly

"Fine Fine I won't stall..."-Hinata 

I hesitated a bit.. Should I tell her or not?


"If you want to know so badly than here- ITS THE DAMN VILLAGERS, CAN'T THEY SHUT UP?"-Hinata

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