Chapter 12

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I woke up early in the morning feeling cheerful and really sick.. After puking for a long time I quickly grabbed my stuff and hopped into the shower outside the room.. It was still really early so Naruto would be sleeping.. 

After the shower I grabbed a bathrobe and swung it loosely around my shoulders as I forgot my clothes outside.. I skipped outside completely ignoring the fact that Naruto was sitting and slurping Ramen in the corner of the sofa.. I snuck behind him, grabbed my clothes and snuck into the room..I put on a purple loose T-shirt and some black capris before walking out of the room dramatically

"Good morning Hinata"-Naruto

"Good Morning!"-Hinata with a grin

"You sure are in a good mood today"-Naruto smiled

"Yep!! Today is the day I start my training.. And then I can be acknowledged by the village for being Hinata Hyuga not A failed Heiress"-Hinata grinned

Those words were awfully familiar to Naruto.. He thought of his younger self saying those words..There is still time until Naruto is officially the 7th Hokage but Kakashi Sensei was working on it..

"Cmon Let's get your training started!"-Naruto pumping his fist in the air with enthusiasm

"YOSH"-Hinata with equal enthusiasm

Naruto chuckled grabbing her hand and leading her through the thick forests of the island.. 

"Where are we going?"-Hinata

"A place called 'Waterfalls of Truth'"-Naruto

"What do I do there?"-Hinata with a puzzled expression

"There.. You confront your inner hatred.. It takes time but it's worth it.. After your done you feel like a new person.."-Naruto smiled

"Oh...Wow it's so beautiful"-Hinata gazing at the waterfall

"Yep.. Now you have to sit beneath it and close your eyes slowly sending chakra to the water"-Naruto

"Ok I'll try"-Hinata taking a seat below the waterfall closing her eyes

Hinata POV:

The waterfall started forming in front of my eyes.. My vision was a bit blurry so I blinked rapidly.. I saw an exact clone of me but with blood red eyes..Creepy..

I just stared and stared... and did I mention stare?.. I finally gathered enough courage to say something..

"H-Hello.."-Hinata uncertainly

"Finally you decide to talk.. Like really.. Your confidence is damn low.. Maybe that's why everyone prefers Hanabi as heir"-Hinata2 (Let's call her that) cocking her head to the side

She felt her anger levels rising a bit..

"Who are you?"-Hinata firmly

"Ha.. Pathetic.. You don't even have a comeback freak"-Hinata2

"Answer my question Who are you?"-Hinata 

"I am you of course.. Just the better version"-Hinata2

"Better version?"-Hinata

"I don't stutter.. I don't cry like a weakling.. I am much stronger then your mentally  and physically"-Hinata2

"B-But if your me.. How?"-Hinata

"You don't believe in yourself.. You don't have much self confidence..That's how you make me stronger.."-Hinata2

"T-than how do I defeat you?"-Hinata

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