Chapter 21

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The whole village was blown up and looked horrible.. Like the pain invasion but worse. She didn't know how Naruto's house didn't get blown up, She spoke too soon.. The house came collapsing down as soon as they got out.. but then again.. The timing was perfect

There was something going on here.

She could feel someone watching them, It was like the training trip. There were massive amounts of chakra in the air, Whoever this person was had large reserves of chakra..

There was something familiar about this setting, The destroyed houses..The dead people... It was exactly like that genjutsu.. It was too perfect, 

Even the tilt of the Hokage building was exactly like the Genjutsu.. There was no way the person knew that this would happen.. This could be another Genjutsu.. Then I can rely on the people outside the Genjutsu to get me out.. But we shouldn't feel pain inside a Genjutsu right?.. Thought Hinata gingerly touching her wound and making it sting horribly.. There goes that theory. 

Her train of thought was interrupted by a sudden growl.. She looked around in shock and then realizing that the noise came from her stomach.. She was too excited to get to Naruto's house and so forgot to eat anything..

She blushed in embarrassment

"Hinata.. You wanna get some food?"-Naruto dusting his pants

"B-But your hurt?"-Hinata following him

"I'll heal.. Thanks to Kurama"-Naruto 

Oh.. Yeah.. That means I'll heal too right?

Yeah.. It will take longer for you to heal then Naruto but other then that it's all good

Thanks Matatabi

"Naruto-kun?"-Hinata asked

"Yeah"-Naruto replied searching around his house for food..

"This is exactly like the Genjutsu I was placed in on the Training trip.."-Hinata following him

She watched as his back stiffened..

"How?.. I mean that black-cloaked man possibly couldn't have seen the future?"-Naruto slowly

Oh yeah.. I forgot about him.. He's probably the one behind all this..

"I dunno.. Hey look mushroom's..!!"-Hinata running towards a tree which had small mushrooms growing on it's trunk

"I don't remember seeing that anytime before.."-Naruto muttered

"The mushrooms are edible.. They are the only edible thing around here for miles.."-Hinata plucking a few and washing them in a nearby river

The next few hours they scoured around for more food and buried every single body they saw.. It was a normal sight for ninja's to see dead bodies but dead bodies of people you know was another thing.. Though there was something strange about them..

Hinata accidentally walked on one of the bodies making it squish and let out a sickening 'bloop' spund .. but bodies don't squish.

"What happened?"-Naruto poking his head out of a bush with sticks and grime in his hair making it look an ugly yellow

"T-the body.. it just made a gross sound when I stepped on it. and it squished!!"-Hinata yelled jumping away while pointing to the deformed head..

"How? Bodies don't 'sqiush' Hinata"-Naruto walking towards he while picking out the pointy sticks in his mass of hair

"H-Hey.. I'm not lying.. Just walk on it"-Hinata

"Hinata...I'm not sure-"-Naruto got cut of by a peculiar squishing sound

"Seee.."-Hinata jumped on the body.. It looked oddly like clay now

Naruto poked it with a stick before touching it..

"Hinata... This is clay"-Naruto looked up

"That means no body died right?"-Hinata whispered with relief flooding through her

"And that also means we've been burying clay so far"-Naruto with a small smile

"You look like a bush Naruto"-Hinata giggled dusting his hair..

A lot of blood rushed to his face as he smiled awkwardly looking away.

The rest of the day they hung out.. relieved about the fact that none of their friends were in danger and pondering on the issue at hand. Naruto had suggested walking to another village but Hinata's Byakugan had confirmed that there was nobody in the villages beside the Land of Fire like Sound and Rain. There were only similar clay corpses which were oddly life like..

So they decided to stay in Konoha since there were many mushroom's growing on the left side of the village and it was more then enough for a week, but eating mushroom's for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 7 days straight was going to be tough but they are ninja's.. They'll make it right?


Writing on the phone rn and it's hard..

Setting the mood for the 'Bang' in the next chapter.. and I love the way I ended the chapter talking about mushrooms, Absolutely amazing

Anyway Peace..


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