Chapter 4

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I just waited for him to get up. He mumbled something and tightened his grip. I yelped a bit before calming down.

He woke up after a while and let me go. I turned to him and sat on the ground

"What did you want to ask me?"-Hinata emotionlessly

"Hinata why didn't you come to my house today? I was really worried"-Naruto

"I-I, You were with Sakura-chan so I didn't want to interrupt"-Hinata fiddling with her fingers

"Why did you sleep here then? You were freezing"-Naruto

"I always sleep here.."-Hinata

"From when?"-Naruto

"From uh.. erm"-Hinata 


"Fromthetimeyourejectedme"-Hinata blushing

"What? please say it slower.."-Naruto

"From the time you rejected me"-Hinata staring at the ground

He put his finger on my chin and lifted my head up to look at him

"Hinata why do you sleep here when you have a perfectly good house?"-Naruto

"My house has bad memories"-Hinata

"Like what?"-Naruto

"Memories of N-neji nii san and.." you


"Nobody"-Hinata quickly

Naruto frowned a bit

"Anyway I'll be going now.."-Hinata

I quickly got up and left before he could say anything. I was just roaming around when an Anbu approached me. He said that I had a mission so I just followed him silently...

Once I got the details of my mission I head out.... It was a solo mission so I had plenty of time to collect my thoughts. I had to capture a rogue nin.. I soon found him with my Byakugan but he had a few more people with him. It was 10 vs 1 now. I beat the first 5 easily, than the next 5 injured my right thigh. I started limping when one of them cut a deep gash on my leg. I beat the last one and I was injured badly. I picked up the criminal and started limping back to the village.

I reached the gates and collapsed there because of blood-loss and exhaustion. The last thing I saw was a few guards running up to

Naruto POV:

Hinata quickly left. I frowned lightly, There was something he wasn't telling me.

I just sat there in peace for a few hours when an Anbu called me. I followed him to the Hokage's  office.

I heard Tsunade-baa-chan shouting things inside and I caught the word 'Hinata' and 'hurt badly'

I burst in the room..

"Tsunade-baa-chan what happened to Hinata?"-Naruto

"She got injured badly on her mission. She might not make it but there is very less chance of that Sakura is working on them right now"-Tsunade

"Can I visit her-?"-Naruto


"I am on my way"-Tsunade

We made our way to the hospital running. I was worried for Hinata. We burst into the room. Hinata was lying unconscious on the bed while a lot of Medics were working on her...

I could feel tears prick my eyes, I turned around and left.. I had no idea where I was going but I just let my feet take me.. Me and Hinata had gotten really close in these few weeks, She had helped me with some of my problems circling my crush on Sakura.. I know stupid

I finally saw where I was.. I was standing in-front of the pond.. I quickly sat under a tree and prayed for Hinata.. I desperately hoped she was ok.


I woke up at noon like everyday.. I wanted to see Hinata and talk to her, It somehow felt distant. She might not make it.. No she will!! Positive thoughts Naruto, Positive thoughts. Sakura-chan is working on her right now and I have faith in Sakura-chan's abilities

I heard a knock on the door, I got up sluggishly and opened the door. It was only Hinata, WAIT IT WAS HINATA?


I hugged her tightly, Inhaling the scent of lavender that wafted around her. She was frozen for the whole of the hug. I missed her soooo much.

"I missed you"-Naruto 

"I-I m-m-missed y-you t-too Na-naruto-Kun"-Hinata patted my hand awkwardly

Almost as soon as I let her go she frowned at me.

"Naruto-kun have you been eating fine?"-Hinata


If you call skipping 2 meals of the day fine than I have..

"Naruto-kun"-Hinata narrowed her eyes

"Chill I only skipped 2 meals of the day.."-Naruto

"Take a seat I will make something for you"-Hinata

I quickly sat on the table and looked at Hinata doing her work. She quickly picked up a clean-apron and put it on. She than scuttled over to my fridge and opened it, she took out some green stuff which all of us call vegetables. Her hair flowed gracefully behind her and she chopped, cooked and washed. Everything she did was graceful. After a few minutes she bought some delicious looking ramen up to me..  I took a bite and it was the most amazing thing that I had ever tasted

"Hinata how did you make that? It is so good"-Naruto smiled enthusiastically

"I made it with some vegetables"-Hinata

"Wait what?"-Naruto froze

"Do you not like vegetables?"-Hinata

"Well no"-Naruto saw as her face fell

"But this is amazing!!"-Naruto saw as the light returned to her face

It was like we were married.. Apparently she had the same thought and blushed. The only one I loved and was going to get married to was Sakura-chan. 

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you but Me and Sakura-chan decided to have a party for your return. Everyone one of our friends are coming, after the party when everyone leaves Me, Sakura-chan and you will watch a movie together. How about it?"-Naruto

"Oh Ok thanks a lot I'll be at your house by 5 to help with the decor and food"-Hinata

"Thanks Hinata"-Naruto

Hinata left the house.. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and silently got ready for Sakura-chan's arrival. I know looking good wouldn't do anything but I still tried. I heard a knock and opened it, It was Sakura!! She greeted me and than we both set out to clean my house, Half way through Hinata came and she started helping too. It was more faster with 3 people, Me and Sakura made jokes and chatted while Hinata had a distant-sad look on her face. She also kept involving Hinata in the conversation. Hinata gave her a smile that clearly meant something I couldn't understand. Sakura nodded and frowned a bit before continuing her work.


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