Chapter 11

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Hinata POV:

I quickly read the map and rules to follow aboard the ship.. The ship was pretty small and had a crew of 5 people to maintain it and a Captain... Pretty good.. There were rooms down the hall  and I wanted to get rid of the weight on my hands so I quickly went into the closest room and kicked the door closed..

The room didn't have a bed.. So I quickly opened another... No bed.. I opened all of them until I reached a locked one.. I hesitantly knocked

"Oh Hi Hinata"-Naruto grinned

"Uhm S-sorry to disturb but does your room have a bed?"-Hinata

"Of course it does, Why?"-Naruto pointing to a bed 

"Well...All the other room's don't have any beds"-Hinata

"Ok..Let's go ask the captain for some extra's"-Naruto walking behind her

"Hello Captain..Do you by any chance have extra bed's?"-Hinata

The captain just smirked 

"No we don't.. The Hokage gave orders that you two have to sleep in the same bed"-Captain

"EXCUSE ME?"-Naruto

"Sorry.. Now if you'll excuse me I have a ship to run"-Captain shoving them out

"Damn that Kakashi"-Naruto muttered

"A-ano is t-t-t-the b-b-bed b-b-big enough f-f-for both o-of u-us?"-Hinata stuttered out

"It's queen size.. I was wondering why before..but now it makes sense"-Naruto

"I-I-I-I'll k-keep m-m-my s-stuff in a-a-another r-r-room f-for privacy"-Hinata quickly and than ran off..

Damn I was embarrassed.. Sleeping in the same room is enough to make me faint..but now we're going to be sleeping in the same bed

I avoided him the whole day and busied myself by doing chores around the ship.. I ate a can of beans for dinner and changed into my sleepwear which was a T-shirt and some Pajamas... I grabbed a pillow which was strewn across the floor and knocked on his door..

He also looked sorta embarrassed while motioning me in.. I quickly scuttled in and sat on one side of the bed blushing madly..I put slowly put my head on the pillow and turned around to stare at a wall.. After a few hours I felt Naruto getting in the bed..He also turned and looked the other way..


I slept good...I swung my legs over and walked into my room to change into some casual clothes

Naruto POV:

I woke up late as I slept late... To be real I was kinda scared to sleep in the same bed with a girl.. Isn't that something you do when your married?.. So I just busied myself my reading a book on Ninjutsu until she fell asleep or I thought she did.. I climbed in next to her sighing as I fell asleep..


I woke up slightly sea-sick.. Hinata popped her head into the room

"D-did you sleep good?"-Hinata

"Mhm"-Naruto stumbling to the bathroom

Hinata gave a small giggle as she went to do some chores around the ship.. I quickly had a hot shower and changed into my usual clothes before heading out.. There was nothing to do on the ship so I wanted to find Hinata so they could talk or play a game... I enjoyed spending time with Hinata.. I finally found her in one of the many rooms trying to close a window which was very high.. She pouted and crossed her arms around her chest glaring at the window.. CUTEE..

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