Chapter 9

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Sakura quickly healed her wounds

"Naruto take her to your house for now. The hospital is full... I'll check on her in the morning"-Sakura instructed

"Hai"-Naruto picked her limp body and took her to his house.

He kicked open the door and placed her on his bed as he went to shower to wash off all that dust and blood..

Naruto POV:

After the shower I waited for Hinata to wake up while eating some ramen by my bed.  I threw the cup on the floor after eating like I usually do. Man I really need to clean this place... As I was 'admiring' my room I heard a soft voice

"N-Naruto-kun w-w-what am I doing here?"-Hinata confused

"Uh so you kinda lost control of yourself and wreaked havoc but no casualties" -Naruto awkwardly lied


"Soooooooo.... Do you want to have a shower?"-Naruto

"Yeah b-but I h-have n-no other clothes..."-Hinata studying the dirt and blood on herself

"Uh you can have some spare clothes"-Naruto as he gave her some clothes

"T-Thanks"-Hinata as she limped into the bathroom

"Come outside when your done"-Naruto as he closed the door

I walked out and collapsed on my sofa... When I heard a knock

"Hi Shikamaru.. What brings you here?"-Naruto 

"Is Hinata here?"-Shikamaru looking inside

Since when did Shikamaru and Hinata hang out?? I subconsciously narrowed my eyes

"Chill your girlfriend isn't going on a date with me"-Shikamaru

"Hinata is not my girlfriend"-Naruto

"Anyway tell her to come with you to the hokage office once she is better"-Shikamaru chuckles

" Oh ok"-Naruto as he shut the door

Hinata walked out of the room with a white shirt which was sizes too big for her and some large orange shorts. Cute

Hinata POV:

"Hey Hinata" -Naruto as he sat on the sofa


We sat in silence...

"Hinata do you want to play something? It's getting kinda boring"-Naruto

Now he thinks I'm boring..

"Yeah sure Cards?"-Hinata

Naruto nodded and got some cards

-After 1 hour-

"I give up, You always win. How do you do it?"-Naruto throwing the cards in the air

"When I was small I-I used to play with my mother all the time"-Hinata smiled

"Used to?"-Naruto curiously

"Oh she passed away"-Hinata looking elsewhere

"Oh I'm sorry"-Naruto pityfuly

"I-it's ok I-i don't want anyone's pity"-Hinata 

"Hold on a second. I'll get my jacket it's getting kinda cold.. Should I bring yours too?"-Hinata

Naruto nodded in response before picking up the cards

I grabbed an orange jacket with 'RAMEN FOREVER' printed on the back and another slightly torn plain lavender one.

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