Chapter 14

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After Breakfast.. Naruto asked about the cloaked man.. I gave him all the basic details which didn't really help except that he smelt of 'Old Spice'.. Ew...Though I couldn't help but notice that Naruto was hanging around me more often.. Not that I didn't like it.. It was just kinda weird.. I'm used to being ignored..I should enjoy it while it lasts.. 

I took a deep breath walking towards the waterfall.. I can do it..

"I believe in you.. Go in there and kick her ass"-Naruto cheered

My vision went blurry revealing me.. The other me..Am I nervous? *Nervous laugh* Of course not.. I am ready to kick her ass like Naruto said..

"Hello.."-Hinata stiffly

"Hi"-Hinata2 with a small smirk

Ok now what??.. 

I reminded myself to not listen to her when she starts blabbering... She should start in 3...2...1


ok again .. 3...2...1

"So Hinata.."-Hinata2 began

I shut her out of my brain completely concentrating on the good things about me and my achievements like Naruto said.. And I think it's working.. Her voice was getting lower.. and lower... until it was gone.. I could still see her but couldn't hear her.. Than she stopped talking and started disappearing.. and damnnn did that feel good..

Was it this easy??.. Wow... I gave a small Kai as my vision blurred

"Back so soon?"-Naruto in surprise

"Yeah It was easier then I thought....What's the next step?"-Hinata smiled

"So... This is the part where your life's in danger"-Naruto uncomfortably

"What do you mean?"-Hinata

"*Clears throat* So You know that Kurama has been sealed in me since birth.. And My body is used to him... But your body on the other hand isn't used to Matatabi yet and it may take like 10 years.. And we're ninjas.. Our life's in danger on every mission..So who knows you might die before Matatabi settles...So uh.. If you decide to unseal her now then your body might give out... It's you decision.. I'll give you some time to think-"-Naruto

"I'll do it"-Hinata determinedly

"Wait did you not here what I said?.. Your life's in danger"-Naruto worriedly

"So what?"-Hinata

"You promise not to die on me?"-Naruto holding out his hand

"I promise"-Hinata shaking his hand

"Soo How do I do it?"-Hinata

"Matatabi will explain.. Meanwhile follow me"-Naruto taking her to the Tailed beast Temple.. There are two rooms in which past Jinchuriki's attempt to gain control of their Tailed-beast..

Hinata.. You have to twist the seal on your stomach and it'll open.. Just remember to  stay calm when it does..

That's it?.. Ok Thanks Matatabi

I quickly took a seat in the middle of the room and smiled as Naruto gave me a thumbs up before exiting the room..

I closed my eyes and put my hands on my seal and twisting it slightly... Woah... It was like my body was being pushed.. I blinked and suddenly I was restrained.. 

(Well.. Do you know that part where Obito became 10-tails Jinchuriki, he was restrained and there was  picture of team Minato in front of him being ripped along with his body.. Yeah basically like that with a picture of Konoha 12.. Gonna skip it.. HAVE NARUHINA MOMENTS TO WRITE YEE HAW)

-hours later-

That was an extremely painful process but it was done.. I jumped happily skipping towards the room that we shared.. It was almost dinner time and all I wanted to do was sleep.. I walked in the Apartment waving to Naruto

"You did it!!"-Naruto giving her a hug

I nodded and walked towards the kitchen..

"Hey Naruto-kun.. Is there any food?"-Hinata

"Oops.. I forgot.. I'll go get some from the moving truck outside"-Naruto walking out of the apartment

The truck had come in the morning with all sorts of food. I had only brought waffles as the boxes were too big for me to carry

"Be careful"-Hinata shouted after him.

For no reason.. I felt an ominous presence on the island.. Naruto had confirmed there was no one but still doesn't hurt to be careful.. I opened the curtains seeing SNOW?.. At this time of the year? Impossible.. What about Naruto??. I looked on until I saw a small bob of yellow running into the building.. He must be cold I thought as I turned on the heater.. It sputtered and cast a warm orange glow around the room..

"OOhh cold.."-Naruto ran in placing a stack of boxes on the table before sitting on his bed and wrapping himself in blankets..

"How is it snowing at this time of the year?"-Hinata 

"I dunno.. Must be global warming or something"-Naruto shivered

I quickly heated up a bento box and some warm tea and gave them to Naruto while eating my dinner..

Whilst eating we'd talked about all sorts of things.. It was sorta weird how he gave me more attention then yesterday.. It was kinda like a date.. I blushed at my thoughts before cleaning up and climbing into bed..

It was pin-drop silence for the next few hours.. I tossed and turned trying to sleep.. I knew I was tired but there was too many things occupying my mind like Who was the cloaked figure yesterday? How could he cast such a strong Genjutsu? What can I do with my new powers? and most importantly Why on earth was Naruto giving me all his attention?

"Pssst.. Aye Hinata? Are you awake? I can't sleep"-Naruto whispered from his bed.

"Y-yeah.. "Hinata 

"Join me up here?"-Naruto asked

"N-Nani?"-Hinata surprised

"I meant what I said so are you coming?"-Naruto 

I swallowed lightly getting out of my bed and climbing next to him..He draped an arm around my waist lightly

"Naruto-kun.. W-why a-a-are you doing t-this?"-Hinata looking up to him

"I don't know.."-Naruto muttered into her ear lightly

"Surely you must have some answer?"-Hinata pressed

"Sleep Hinata"-Naruto pulling her towards him

I shut my mouth enjoying the warmth 

Naruto POV:

I quickly got into bed turning off the lights and sighed.. The past two days I've been getting the best sleep of my life.. I didn't know if it was because of a certain Hyuga or just coincidence.. Should I test it out?..

I felt unusually nervous about asking her.. I took a few deep breaths and then asked her in the shortest sentence I could muster.. Fortunately she said yes..

"Naruto-kun.. W-why a-a-are you doing t-this?"-Hinata looking up to him

Hell I didn't know himself.. I gave a simple 'I don't know'

"Surely you must have some answer?"-Hinata pressed

"Sleep Hinata"-Naruto pulling her towards him

Phew!! Quick thinking on my part.. I thought as I snuggled happily into her hair.. It must be Hinata and her calming lavender scent..Yeah that's it.. Hinata helps him sleep.. 

After reaching that  conclusion he fell asleep with a satisfied smile on his face




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