All of it was a dream

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Everything blurred revealing a cerulean blue and the first thing she could associate with them came to her mind..

"Naruto-kun?"-Hinata hesitantly blinking

She got up looking around dazedly..

"Oh Hinata.. Your finally awake.. Y'know.. You said you wanted to tell be something and then your eyes went all glassy-"-Naruto continued

She spaced out after 'your eyes went all glassy''...  No way... 

She looked around, It was snowing, they both were standing under a lamppost and worse of all it was exactly like the time she confessed...

She caught a glimpse of his watch... The time was- 8:30pm and he had one of those fancy watches which showed the date but it was hard to see as he kept moving his hand around while talking.

"Naruto-kun can you show me your watch for a second?"-Hinata pointing to the kill-me orange color watch

"Yeah.. uh sure.. I just got it a few weeks ago.. Isn't it cool?"-Naruto grinned lifting his wrist

The day was Wednesday, 19 September and wasn't it familiar.. It was the day she confessed.. Oh god this is all so confusing..Why was she back here?.. Was it all just a dream?

"It'"-Hinata whispered

"S-so you said you wanted to tell me something?"-Naruto slightly nervous..

Why's he nervous?. She was the one who was going to confess.. She hugged herself suddenly feeling really cold..

It was all just a dream.. None of it was real.. The hugging wasn't real, she didn't have a tailed beast sealed in her, She never became close friends with Naruto and most importantly he didn't love her.. Was she so desperate that she actually had to dream it up?.. Then how'd she feel the pain?.. Dreams don't have pain..

"It's nothing"-Hinata in a tiny voice before turning around and walking away..

"Oh"-Naruto sadly before walking away himself..


I wonder why Naruto was sad..

Well, Exams are coming so here's a short chapter.. and major plot twist huh?

I got this idea from a song...again (Just a dream by Nelly)

See ya next time.. (The end is near)

-Naru chan ;)

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