Chapter 16

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"Good Mornin' Milady"-Naruto ruffling her hair

"Mornin' Sir Naruto.."-Hinata giggled

We had lucky charms for breakfast... Delish!!

"Why do you need 'lucky charms'? I'm just here being your  lucky charm"-Naruto grinned

She choked on a marshmallow before swallowing and glaring at him light-heartedly

I trained for a while before taking a hot shower and relaxing on the couch.. When I realized I had forgotten my special kunai.. It was actually Hanabi's but she let me keep it.. I need to get it back

She bounced out of the apartment full off energy.. When she was about to exit the apartment, Naruto quickly pulled me inside.. So much for the kunai..

"Hinata It's snowing.."-Naruto

"Oops Sorry... I was deep in thought"-Hinata sheepishly following him inside..

It was freezing.. How the hell did I not notice?

"So what are we going to be doing today"-Hinata

"Watch a movie of some show?"-Naruto picking the remote up

No not sports.. No way in hell she was going to be watching sports

I quickly snatched it from him and hopped behind the couch

"There's no way we're watching sports.."-Hinata

"How'd you know that I wanted to watch sports?"-Naruto chasing her

"I know you too well"-Hinata running behind the sofa

"Just like the olden days huh.."-Naruto remembering their first sleepover

It took him about 4 minutes to tackle her and pin her to the wall

"YOSH.. We're so watching sports today"-Naruto searching for the remote in her hands

"I hid it while you were chasing me.. We are so NOT watching sports today"-Hinata grinning 

He leaned against her forehead lightly

"We're going to be watching sports"-Naruto smirked before backing off her and searching the sofa's and the floor

Hinata quickly snuck the remote out of a shelf and put on the show that she wanted to watch

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"-Naruto groaned dramatically clutching his heart

"Enough let's watch"-Hinata grinned sitting on the couch

-1 hour later-

"How can you watch this?"-Naruto 

"It's a beautiful love story"-Hinata 

"Can we pleaaaseee watch something else?"-Naruto 

Hinata tightly held the remote and shook her head stubbornly

He huffed lightly.. If she wasn't going to then he'd make her...

He got up and stood infront of the Tv and leaned awfully close to her

"Y-y-y-your blocking t-t-the TV"-Hinata blushing at the proximity.. Her heart was beating too fast for her liking

"Hinata"-Naruto said slowly leaning on her forehead

She loosened the grip on the remote.. Naruto saw this is an opportunity and snatched the remote..

"That's not fair"-Hinata frowned cutely.. He jumped up and fled into the kitchen

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