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Beyonce Knowles POV

"When is blue coming back?"
"I believe Jay is bringing her back tomorrow. I'm not entirely sure, why?" I asked my mom as I folded Blue's laundry.
"oh I just miss my grand baby," she sat on the bed and grabbed some clothes.
"So cute we were thinking about taking a trip to PR, probably within the next few weeks, did you want to go baby?"
"Oh of course! I'll probably invite Shawn, if that's okay with you guys?" My mom laughed a bit.
"Oh Gloria's probably over there telling him how. Her and I were palming for all of our kids to go. Solange ass think she staying here tryna be fast," I nodded and her phone rang.
"Hello? Oh lord. Thank you for calling, I'll be sure to relay the message to her father," she hung up and sighed.
"Im going to kill your sister," she gritted through her teeth as she tossed some folded clothes my way and left out the room. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted solo.

Bey🐝- whatever you did mamas finna kick your ass and she ready to tell Richard too.

Solo💞- wym? I ain't did nun

Bey🐝- well someone just called her...

Solo💞- I have a question BB

Solo💞- How did you know for sure that you were pregnant with Blue?


I sat my phone down as I read the message. There's no way my baby sister. My sixteen year old sister was pregnant, let alone having sex. I cringed at the thought. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not mad, because I know first hand shit happens. But I thought me being pregnant young would have been a lesson learned from my mistakes.

Bey🐝- mama left out angry. Please come home. Ill get you a test, and I want to talk Thu

Solo💞- in my room, here I come

Minutes later Solange walked in looking like shit. I got up and wrapped my arms around her as she burst into tears. My lip quivered as I had to console my little sister.
"Soso, come on babe," I lead her to my bathroom as she wiped her face. Underneath my cabinet held three pregnancy test. I passed her two and had her use them. I gave her some privacy as I took the time to get my thought process together.
"Bey I'm done," my mustered out. I nodded and walked in as she washed her hands.
"So, what happened?" Her lip quivered as she shakily turns off the faucet.
"You remember Daniel?" I nodded as she let out a breath.
"Well I went to hang out with him and he kinda, made me, you know," she led off. I gasped in shock, covering my mouth.
"Baby, no. H-he," she nodded cutting me off and I couldn't help but cry harder as I pulled her into my chest. My door burst open, and there stood Richard and my mother, as my phone's timer for the test went off.

Shawn Carter pov

"She tryna crawl already? No wayyy," my cousin Xav laughed as blue scooted on her belly across the floor. She was so advanced for her age it was crazy. I picked her up and she giggled throwing her body limp.
"Daddy I'm ready!" Xavier's daughter Kolby came down the stairs in a pink dress with white sandals. He laughed at her and shook his head.
"You gotta out in a different outfit bay. You don't wanna dirty up your pretty dress right?" She pouted and crossed her arms.
"I guess..." she pouted and went back up to change again. I chuckled and leaned back on the couch.
"You laughing that's finna be you in a minute cous," I sighed looking down at blue who's focus was in my chain.
"Yeah, I'm ready tho. I'm ready for it all," he nodded and asked me the question everyone's been asking.
"What about you and Bey? Y'all working things out or just co parenting?" I thought about it and honestly I don't know.
"I mean, we talked and eventually we'll probably get there but right now she needs time to heal from her past situations and I can't be in the way of that so yeah,"
"Well listen. I went through something similar with Chasity. If you don't think it'll work, do whatever it takes to keep the relationship y'all have healthy. That's the best thing you can do to make sure Baby Blue has a nice healthy lifestyle," I nodded and kicked it with him for a few more minutes before Kobly came down in a much more park like outfit.
"I'm ready! Uncle Jay can I hold my cousin?" I nodded and passed her on. Although blue was one-third Kolby's size, she held her pretty well, with my hand on her as support.
"I think I'm gonna be your favorite cousin," she smiled at Blue and Blue returned the gesture.
"Alright pretty ladies, let's head out," I grabbed Blue and her diaper bag, taking her to the car to get buckled in.
Xavier buckled Kolby in his truck and we both drove up to the community park.
Beyoncé Knowles pov

"Baby you know we have to tell them right?" I told Solange as our parents stood at the door still.
"I-I can't bey!" She cried out as my mom screwed her face.
"All this over a suspension Solange? That's what you get for skipping with that damn boy," I stood between them, placing my hand on my mom's shoulder.
"Mama no. Thats not the situation," I plead but she wasn't budging.
"Please. Just hear her out," I said as my eyes watered, knowing how she felt.
"Mama can we talk. Alone," she said making my mom nod and wave her on. Richard sighed and also left from my room. I remembered my timer going off and ran to my bathroom. There I was left with a positive pregnancy test. I sighed and went to throw it away, when I was met with Shawn's body.
"Hey I go- your pregnant?"

Excuse all errors
A'jah 💋

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