Twelve: Try again?

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Shawn pov
"I'm on my way to Nicki's now, are y'all at her house still?" I asked Beyoncé who was currently FaceTiming Blue.
"Yeah were here. You did her hair Shawn?" So, maybe it wasn't the best idea to let Lauren braid Blue's hair, but I couldn't have my lefty out her looking crazy. And lord knows I can't do no hair.
"Uhh yeah, it look decent?"
"Too decent, let me find out you let that bitch touch my child's hair and I swear to God Shawn," I sighed silently and continued to drive while she talked to blue through the phone.
"Bey we out side,"
"Okay here I come," I got out the car unbuckling Blue and grabbing her diaper bag. I made sure I packed the refillable Brest milk bags, which I might mention that all five were empty, thanks to Blue's greedy butt.
"Baba! Hi baby," she gushed as she took her from my arms.
"Ma ma ma ma!" Blue screeched as she grabbed both sides of beys face and slobbered over her lips. That was her way of giving kisses.
"You missed mommy didn't you," she said as she butterfly kissed her.
"Greedy drunk all five bags of the titty milk and she only ate a little bit of the carrots. She wasn't too hot about them. I washed the titty milk bags too," she laughed and smacked my arm as I joked about the titty milk.
"Shut up boy," she said. I handed her the diaper bag and she sling it over her shoulders.
"Why'd you trip about Lauren?" I asked as she rolled her eyes.
"Trip? Excuse me for not wanting some random chick I've never met before around and touching my daughter," she said with all types of attitude.
"I'm just saying bey, all she was tryna do is help a nigga out with doing her hair,"
"I understand that however, maybe it would have been different had I met her before you had her around my daughter. Because I'm getting the vibe she's been around her before," I scratched my beard giving her exactly the answer she needed.
"Exactly. I'll see you later Shawn," she said as she turned to walk back inside.
"Wait Bey, come here," I stopped her. She huffed her breath and turned around.
"Yes Shawn?"
"What if I told you Lauren Was just your placeholder?" As much as I did really like Lauren, no one could take Beyoncé's spot in my heart. She laughed and turned around again.
"I'm serious Giselle. I love you Girl!" She stopped in her tracks and turned only her head this time.
"Is that so?" I nodded furiously and stepped closer to her.
"I'm dead ass Gis,"
"Than prove it," and that was all she said before leaving me in a deep thought. I climbed back into the car and sped off going home. I wanted Beyoncé and as harsh as it sounds, I had to get rid of Lauren first.
"I'm coming back to you Bey,"

Beyoncé POV

"So what im hearing is Jayonce is back on?" Nicki asked as she held Gio to her chest, while he breast fed.
"I never said that. I told him to prove that he loved me. I never said anything about a relationship," I smirked. She smacked my arm.
"What?! Beside he got Laurel so he don't need my companionship,"I laughed as she read the messages over my shoulder. I mushed her and took Gio from her arms and put his small blanket over my shoulder, as I burped him.
"Thanks girl. His big ass head be hurting my shoulder," I gasped and laughed as her front door opened.
"Baby!" I heard Rihmeek's voice echo.
"In the kitchen Meek," she called out.
"Hey Bey. Hey Princess!" He cheered as he tossed blue into the air. She shrieked of laughter, and kissed his cheek.
"Uh-mee!" She exclaimed as he held her.
"You missed uncle Meek huh? Tell mommy stop being so boujee, and bring you around more," he said shoving me playfully.
"Gio, tell Daddy that auntie bb will beat him up," he spoke in a baby voice to Giovani.
"Y'all funny," Nicki said laughing at us as I handed her Gio and I grabbed Blue.
"I'll see y'all tomorrow probably, I gotta go get Blueblue ready for her daddy," Nicki scoffed.
"I'm not going," she mocked me from earlier.
"I'm not. But blueberry loves spending time with her granny, that's all he's coming for," I lied right through my teeth. Yeah, Nicki was my girl, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to take Shawn seriously or not. Since I'm not sure I don't want any out side influences. 
"Mmhm. Well I love you, and auntie Nicki loves you blueberry,"she hugged me , before cooing at blue and kissing her cheek.
"Luh ooh," she mimicked.

Shawn Pov
"Yeah can you have it all set up by 8:30?" I said as I wrote down the address and the gate code.
"No problem Mr. Carter. Mrs.Carter is a very lucky woman," the man on the other side of the phone commented.
"That she is," I said thinking about Bey. We talked a bit more briefly before hanging up. I sighed knowing what I had to do next. I closed my office door and walked down stairs.
"Boog!" I called out for Lauren.
"Living room!" I followed her voice to the living room and she was cuddled up on the couch with her hair in a messy bun and some sweats on.
"You look beautiful," I said smiling at her. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her and I already knew this was going to kill her.
"Thanks daddy," I sighed.
"Lo, we gotta talk ma," she muted the tv and turned to me.
"What's up?" I  held her small hand in mines and brought it to my lips for a kiss.
"So you know I've been thinking, and I want blue to be able to grow up in one stable home with both of her parents and I just want you to know I really do have love for your laur," she snatched her hand out of mines as her big brown eyes watered.
"No, stop!" I sighed and pulled her into a hug.
"Boog, I love you, but I'm in love with Beyoncé, and I want us to raise our daughter together," I spoke as I held her and kissed her temple.
"Shawn why? Why keep me this long? You could've just left me alone!" She asked still in tears as she punched my chest.
"I'm sorry Laur. I thought I was done with her I really did," she pulled away and wiped her face.
"I'm not doing this any longer. Let me go so I can get my shit and leave," she muttered and I sighed letting her go . I ran my hand over my face and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. It was 7:38 pm. Lauren came back downstairs with a duffle bag and her car keys.
"Good bye Shawn,"
"I still do love you Lauren. I just can't leave Beyoncé alone. Your and amazing woman, any man would be lucky to have," she looked at my briefly and nodded before waking off.

Excuse all errors
A'jah 💋

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