Six: And I - Oop

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"Piaget I swear to God! Give me the damn package," I scolded Solange as she snatched the package from Houston DNA Center out my hands.
"Lemme read it so I can be like Maury!" She said laughing like this was a joke or sum. Onika stuck her leg out, causing Solange to trip and the package flew out of her hands. She smacked her lips as Onika and I were now the ones laughing. I opened the package and pulled the appear out. My heart smiled as I read the words:
The alleged father {Shawn Corey Carter} is 99.999% the biological father of Blue Ivy Knowles.
"Well? What does it say?" Solange said trying to peek over my shoulder.
"Blue is Shawn's," I said smiling. Onika smiled and kissed my cheek.
"See girl, I told you God would work this all out in yalls favor," Onika was such a well spirited person and I couldn't ask for a better friend. She'd been in my ear with nothing but positive things the entire time from when I first told her about seeing Shawn at Ms.Gloria's party.
"I know Nikaaa. Where's my baby at Piaget?" I asked as I realized she wasn't holding Blue or Onika's Son, Giovanni.
"Girl you late, I been laid Blue and Gio down for naps. They're in your room," I nodded and grabbed my phone and texted Shawn. I let him know that blue was indeed his and told him to call me when he got a chance.
"Alright im going to lay down with my babies. Y'all do whatever just don't leave me with both of them," I said laughing. I walked up the many stairs to my room and saw Blue cuddling Gio as if he were her baby. I giggled and layed on the empty left side after placing pillows on the right side so Blue wouldn't roll off the bed. I placed Gio in my chest so I wouldn't accidentally smother him. I reached over to grab the remote off my night stand and turned the tv on. It was a Tuesday so nothing in particular was on. I opened up Netflix and decided to binge on some Grey's Anatomy.
I was in the middle of Season 4 episode 7, when I got a text from an unknown number.

713-552-9875: Hey Beyoncé, this is Gloria. I wanted to let you know that Shawn is in the hospital. He's in surgery right now but I'm sure he'd love to have you and Blue here when he wakes up. We're at Houston Methodist

Beyoncé: oh gosh. I'm getting her ready now and we'll be on our way

I slowly layed Gio on the bed and got up stretching.
"Blue blue. Wake up pumpkin," I said as I picked her up and placed gentle kisses on her face. She whined and tried to push me away as she slowly but surely woke up. I picked Gio up in my other arm and proceeded downstairs.
"Nika, I gotta go so I'm bringing him down here. Piaget, tell mama and Richard I'm at Houston Methodist if they ask," I said as they said okay. I went back upstairs and got blue dressed in a baby sweat suit before throwing one on myself and heading out.
"Bye bye," blue blabbered on as I buckled her in her car seat.
"Yup were going to see dada," she got all happy and began clapping while blabbering on about her "dada". I giggled and got in the front seat before pulling off. I had Kiana Lede playing lowly as I followed the gps directions to Houston Methodist. I looked in the rear view at Blue and she was chewing on her fingers while looking at herself in her little mirror. I giggled, she was so much like me. I made the turn into the parking lot and sighed calling Ms. Gloria.
"Hey Ms. Gloria we're here. What rook is he in?"
"Room 261 tell them your his fiancé, I may have told a white lie to get you and blue in the room," I laughed and told her okay before stopping the car.
"Cmon baba, lets go see dada," I said as I picked blue up out of her car seat.
"Mmuaah," she kissed me on the cheek and it was the sweetest thing ever. Blue was such an affectionate child and it was the best thing I could ask for as a parent.
"Thank you sweetpea," I said as I pecked her cheek and locked the car doors. I carried her into the hospital and was immediately hit by the smell of, Well hospital.
"Hi, welcome to Houston Methodist, what can I do for you today?" The lady and the receptionist desk asked as she gave me her full attention.
"Hi, I'm here to see Shawn Carter, in room 261," I said to the receptionist as I shifted Blue on my hip and patted her back as she got fussy. She flipped through a book before reading a small Nate and looking up at me.
"Can I have our name, ID, and relation to the patient?" I pulled my I'd out if my back pocket, which I'm half I had on me.
"My name is Beyonce Knowles, and I'm Shawn's Fiancé," I said as Blue waved to her.
"Awe hi cutie, is she yours?" The lady asked as she scribbled something on a sticker and handed it to me.
"Yes, say hi sweet pea," I cooed as Blue waves at her and layed her head on my shoulder. The sticker read: Visitor's Pass: Beyoncé Knowles
I attached it to my shirt and walked towards the elevator. As I made it there and elderly couple was getting off so I didn't have much of a wait. I pressed the two button and the quick ride was filled with corny elevator music.
"Ma ma ma ma," blue babbled.
"Hi baba. Hi mommy's baby," I said as I kissed on her face. The doors opened and I took a deep breath. I was praying that Shawn wasn't too badly hurt. The last thing I wanted was for Blue to see Shawn it I in a hospital bed, but hey, we can't stop the inevitable. I walked down and read the numbers on the doors.
I pushed the door open and I was met with Shawn, Ms.Gloria, Shawn's sister, Michelle, and another girl I'd never seen before.
"Hey y'all!" I greeted but that was overpowered by Blue.
"Dada dada dada," she babbled. Shawn smiles weakly and went to sit up before he groaned and winced.
"Hey, hey. Take it easy, I'll bring her," I told him as I sat the diaper bag down and carried her to him. I put her on his chest and she kissed his cheek before laying down in his chest.
"How's  daddy's baby doin? You been good for ya mama?" He said as she just smiled and layed on his chest. I snapped a picture and noticed something strange. I looked up and saw the unknown girl Staring at me.
"Hey I'm Beyoncé, and you are?" I said as I held my hand out for her to shake.
"Morgan," she said bitterly. Shawn sighed and rubbed blue's back.
"Morg, this is Beyonce,my daughter's mother. Bey, this is Morgan my girlfriend," I smiled and retracted my hand when I realized her rude, childish ass wasn't gone shake it.
"Well, I just wanted to stop by and let her spend sometime with you. I'm gonna go grab Solo and Nicki, than I'll be back to pick her up. Is that cool, or should I just take her with me?" I asked and he shook her head.
"Nah, nah it's fine you can go. Bring me back a slushee tho," I smacked my lips and mushed him before kissing blue and hugging Ms. Gloria and Chelle. His girlfriend looked mad bitter but I couldn't give a damn cause don't nobody else in that room want Shawn besides Blue.

 His girlfriend looked mad bitter but I couldn't give a damn cause don't nobody else in that room want Shawn besides Blue

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A'jah 💋

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