Eight: FTBS

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"It's right there Bey," Shawn directed me to the pots and pans. His doctor finally released him from the hospital, but he's on bed rest.
"Okay, We got it from here. Ain't that right Baba," I cooed at blue who was sitting in a high chair eating Cheerios.
"Dada dada," he smiled through the camera. I giggled and I hung up on him & began cooking. I decided to go simple so I cooked eggs, bacon and pancakes.
"You think daddy still likes jelly on his pancakes? Nasty ass," I mumbled the last part, but I felt a smack on my ass. I turned around and Shawn was standing there.
"Boy you supposed to be in the bed! And you got a girl," I said as I made him sit down, and continued cooking.
"It was just there. And stop talking bout me to my baby," he said as he grabbed blue and kissed all on her face.
"Ah ah! Ion know where ya girl lips been and I know you've kissed her so don't kiss my baby's face," o said making him smack his lips.
"I just brushed my teeth and washed my face aggy ass," he said as I sat the plate infrokt of him and blue dived at it.
"Jesus Blue," I laughed as she grabbed a piece of bacon and gnawed on it.
"Damn this is good," jay said as he ate some of his eggs, than proceeded to spread grape jelly on his pancakes. My phone buzzed and it was a text from Solange.

Solo💗👯‍♂️: Btc jay's girl is Morgan from middle school

BB🐝: btc wait say swear?! Ian even notice her

Solo💓👯‍♂️: Gis, I found her IG stupid btc Instagram is her first and last name.

Solo💓👯‍♂️: Gis, I found her IG stupid btc Instagram is her first and last name

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I laughed at her caption and showed Shawn.
"Yo tell ya girl to stop posting bout me and my child," I said now dying of laughter. Shawn has a confused look on his face till I turned my phone to him and he read her caption.
"Ion know why she trippin like this," he said shaking his head. I chuckled and proceeded to tell him the news.
"Cause she's jealous. Has been since I started dating Michael in 8th grade," he screwed his face up and started to speak but his phone went off. It was on the counter so I picked it up for him but decided to be petty when I saw "Mojo💓" on the screen, and answer it.
"Hello?" Shawn looked at me like I was crazy for answering his phone but I didn't care.
"Uh Where's Shawn?" She asked with an attitude. He tried to take the phone but I held my hand up and raised my eyebrow causing him to surrender.
"Calm ya attitude baby girl. He's eating with his daughter," I said with a sly smirk on my face.
"Beyoncé?! Give Jay the da-," I hung up on her and handed him his phone.
"Okay I'm mad confused. You already knew Morgan?" He asked I leaned back explaining him everything.
"So she using me to get back at you? That shit weak as hell," Shawn said as he shook his head.
"Exactly over some petty ass 8th grade crush she had. She got surgery done I ain't even recognize her at first," I said as I grabbed blue from his arms and kissed on her cheeks.
  "Oweee my baba is so cute!" I gushed making her laugh. I felt Shawn staring at me and when I looked up he was recording.
"Really?" I laughed as he posted on his snap with the caption, "Mama can't get enough huh lefty?"
Lefty was the nickname he'd given her cause she did everything with her left and and he thinks she's gonna be left handed.
"Send me that! That was cute," once he sent it I posted on my instastory woth the caption,

"Mommy's Princess 👑"

"Well I think imma break up with her. Whatchu think?" He asked as I shrugged.
"What ever you feel is best. It's yo relationship," I said with a slight chuckle. He shook his head laughing and finished his food.
"So after this week what we doing about a schedule for her?" I sat Blue down and let her crawl while still keeping an eye on her.
"Uhh well, I have classes Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Other than that I'm free Cause I work from home," he nodded.
"I forgot about that. How ya business shit going,"
"Stuff," I said easing my brow.
"And it's good I've actually made about 5 sales already today so that's a good start," he smiled and
Shook his head.
"I'm putting you on child support," we both busted out laughing and I smacked his arm lightly.
"Get outta my face," the door bell rand through the House startling blue who was on the midst of pulling her toes towards her mouth.
"I'll get it. You sit down somewhere," I told Shawn as he attempted to get up. He had the Ring doorbell so I grabbed his phone and opened the app. Sure enough, his bitch was out there. I chuckled and went to open the door.
"Why are you here answering my mama door?" She scowled.
"Because your not. It's quite funny how you just popped out the woodworks though after jay found out about Blue," I laughed and she made a confused face.
"I guess attempting to take Michael wasn't enough for you huh?" Her face turned white as a ghost and she looked past me before going back to normal.
"Girl get the fuck, before I kick this ugly ass baby," blue had pulled her self up on my legs and that was the last straw. I reached out to smack the shit outta her but Shawn stopped me.
  "Get the fuck off my lawn for I let her beat yo ass for real," he said in a deep ass voice.
"Baby, it's her fault and that bastard child that we're
Having issues," she whined as I fumed.
"Shawn let me the hell go," I struggled to get out his grip. She chuckled and reached out to hit Blue. Just as her hands were about to touch my child, I kicked the fuck outta her head.
"Get the fuck away from my baby bitch," I spat. She looked up at me and rolled her eyes before reaching out to punch me. Shawn smacked her arm down quick as fuck and raised his eyebrow at her.
"You got five seconds to get back in that damn Escalade and pull off before I personally end yo life," I spoke as he met me go. I picked up blue and kissed her forehead before handing her to Shawn and stepping up to Morgan. She scoffed and turned around to walk down the stairs. She was going too slow for my liking so I pushed her back to give her and extra pep in her step. She stumbled a bit and I giggled. I turned around ushering Shawn into his house and closed the door behind me.
"I'm not gone control yo relationship. But I'll be damned if you have my daughter around that evil, conniving bitch Shawn," I told him as I folded my arms. He shook his head and pulled me into his arms.
"Trust and believe she done for. After she tried my baby," he spoke as he looked me dead in my eyes. Lord why is this man so fine!

Excuse all errors
"Just say fuck the bull shit😌"
A'jah 💋

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