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Shawn pov
I stared at Bey as she held a pregnancy test in her hands. She shook her head no and her lip quivered as she let out a sob. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her and held her tight as she let it all out.
"You okay BB," I asked when she calmed down a bit.
"No, I wish you were the old you so you could kill that boy," she finally spoke, now angry more than sad.
"What boy?- what are you talking about baby?" She was so mad I don't even think she heard me slip in that 'baby'.
"The boy Daniel, Soso's been seeing. He raped her Shawn," that cut deep: and it made all the sense. In the world that she was having these emotions.
"What's his last name?" I'm done with the street life, but I still had a few favors to cash in.
"I don't know. All I know is he took advantage of my baby sister and now she's knocked up. The last thing I wanted is for this to happen to her. I know how it makes you feel. First you feel ashamed, than you start to feel dirty, and resentful. It's the worst feeling in the world knowing that you resent your precious unborn baby because of your rapist," she broke down once more, but this time it felt different. Beyoncé was crying for Solange & herself this time.
"I'm so so sorry you and solo had to experience that. I promise to God that little boy will face consequences for his wrongs. And I'm always here bey. Always,"

Beyoncé knowles
"I love you Shawn," I told him as I stayed in his arms with my head do his chest.
"I love you more Bey,"
"To the moon and back," we spoke together.
"Where's my baby?" I asked as I realized I hadn't heard from Blue.
"She's downstairs sleeping in her car seat. Let's see if solo needs you," he said as we walked out of my room. I walked to Solo's room and knocked on the door before opening it. My mom sat with her face in her hands crying heavily as Solange stared into space.
"Bey?" She asked I swallowed hard and nodded, that was all it took and she broke down. My heart ached watching my baby sister go through this. I pulled her into my arms and held her tightly.
"I'm so sorry soso, I love you okay? We're gonna get through this," she nodded into my chest. I looked over at Jay and his eyes were watering.
"Not you too Jayjay," I sighed. He shook his head.
"I'm fine, I'm gonna go lay blue in her bed," he left quickly avoiding the situation.
"What's going on?" Mama asked still somewhat oblivious.
"I gave her a test, she's pregnant," her eyes watered before she pulled Solange and I into her arms.
"I'm so sorry. I failed y'all," she sobbed.
"Mama it's not your fault," my voice croaked out as I felt my chest tighten.
"Mama mama," Blue cooed as she played in my hair.
"Mwah," I kissed her tiny hand as she placed it over my lips.
"You are the sweetest girl ever!" I said as she giggled. And layed next to me on the blanket. I'd set up a mini picnic for us and Jay, who was currently using the bathroom.
"Look at my girls," I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Yeah come get her. I love my blue blue but mommy wants some adult time," I passed blue to him and grabbed a mikes hard out the cooler. I opened it allowing the cool drink to tingle down my throat.
"Gimme a sip," I cut Emmy eyes at him.
"A sip Shawn," he waved me off and took a fairly small sip. Than tipped the bottle back again, downing half of it.
"Ugh! Take the shit," I groaned, laying back down.
"Come on BB, lighten up," I cut my eyes at him and he threw his hands up in surrender.
"Gimme a kiss Baba," I puckered my lips to blue. She smiled and crawled over smothering me with her wet kisses.
"Mmm thank you my love,"
"Daddy don't get no love lefty?" Shawn said as he tickled her, making her laugh.
"Luh dada," he smiled brightly kissing her cheek.
"I love you more princess,"
"Luh mommy?" She asked with her little head tilted.
"Of course I do," he said looking me in my eyes. I blushed a little Ik not gone lie. Blue smirked.
"Kiss mommy," my eyes went wide.
"Shawn you don't have to ki-," he cut me off with his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away.
"I love you beautiful," I cheesed hard as hell.
"I love you more,"
"To the moon & back?"
"To the moon & back," I giggled. My phone dinged and it was a text from Nicki, saying that she was moving. My heart dropped knowing that she was truly one of my best friends. I quickly typed back asking her why. Apparently her parents were putting her out because she turned nineteen. I think it's ridiculous because she's still their kid, and she has their grandson to look after. It's honestly fucked up. I called her up and she answered on the second ring.
"Where are you gonna go Nic?" She wiped her face, which was now red and stained with tears.
"I don't know Bey. Imma figure something out," I rolled my eyes.
"Come stay with me and Blue. We move in two days," I told her as she sighed.
"I don't want to take up yalls space Bey,"
"Onika. You are my Bestfriend and I'm not letting you and my nephew be out here looking for somewhere to live when I have a perfectly good two bedroom townhouse waiting on us. Please let me help you Nic," she sighed and nodded.
"You know I love you right?" I said as she gave me a small smile.
"I love you to sis," we said our goodbyes and Shawn looked over at me.
"Shit don't ever stop huh?" He said referring to the drama and mess on my life. And he was right it don't ever stop.

Excuse all errors
A'jah 💋

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