Seven: Chillax

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Shawn's pov
"C'mon Shawn, you've been holding her all day now. I wanna hold my niece," Michelle over exaggerated as I chuckled and handed her blue. My body was a whole lot less sore after taking the pain killers.
"Shawn can I talk to you for a moment, alone?" Morgan said breaking her silence that she'd held since Beyoncé left. My mama scoffed and waved on Michelle after taking blue out of her hands.
"I'm gonna call my daughter and see what taking her so long," she said making me choke on my spit. Morgan knew damn well Chelle was my only sister and she probably made this conversation worse than what it was going to be.
"Shawn, where did this daughter of yours magically come from?" Morgan queered as she stood up with her arms folded. I couldn't help but lick my lips as my eyes traced her figure.

She wasn't Beyoncé but she still had a banging body

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She wasn't Beyoncé but she still had a banging body. Wait Beyoncé? The hell am I comparing her and morg for. I mentally smacked myself and spoke up.
"My previous relationship, and before you ask, yes she really is mines, dna test proved so," I said as she pouted her lips and tears welled in her eyes.
"But I wanted to be the first to bear your children," she started off. I felt kinda bad, but at the same time Blue was conceived before I'd even met Morgan.
"Mojo, come here. I never meant to hurt your feelings baby," I said as I pulled her into my lap.
"I know, I knowwww. I'm just so jealous that she gave you what I wanted to give you first. She has a special place in your heart and clearly your family's too," I sighed and kissed her head.
"Bey's mother is my mama friend,  and her younger sister used to babysit Chelle, so they're close. I promise you Beyoncé is just my ex and Blue's mother. Nothing less, nothing more," I reassured her as everyone else came back into the room. This time, Solange and some other chick were with Beyoncé.
"Hey Shawn, it's getting late so I'm gonna get her home," she said as she picked up the diaper bag that was by my bed.
"Alright, bye daddy's baby," I said as I kissed blues cheek and she shrieked out in laughter.
"You know you look kind of familiar," Bey stayed as she analyzed Morgan's face. Morgan's chocolate toned skin went pale as a ghost be For she smiled slightly and shook her head.
"You don't know me sis," she said with a bunch of sass. Bey did her famous eyebrow raise and I knew she was finna go off.
"Watch your tone when you takin to me. Sis," Beyoncé snapped back.
"Give me my daughter Shawn,"
She looked over at Morgan who was now standing next to me and waved. I handed her blue after kissing her cheek once more before handing her off to Beyoncé ."Bye, Bye," I smiled as Morgan gushed and waved back.
"Bye cutie," maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Beyoncé looked at me and shook her head before leaving out.
"Hey Shawn!" Her little sister Solange quickly spoke before chasing after Bey.
"See she likes you, she just gotta warm up," I said as Morgan smiled and her phone buzzed.
"Hello? Hi mommy, okay I'll be there soon," she said as she answered the phone.
"Baby I gotta go help my mom. Somethings wrong with her car and she's at work. I'll see you later on okay?" She said as she kissed my cheek and grabbed her bag before waking out.

Morgan pov
"Hey Solána, yeah I was in the room with him. Had to pretend you was mama," I spoke to my sister as I got in my 2016 Yukon XL.
"Girl I was finna say. Now you said he has a baby? With Beyoncé?" Truth is, I already knew who Beyoncé was, I'm just surprised she hadn't remembered me. We were mad cool in middle school until she stole my boyfriend, Michael in eighth grade. The last I saw of her was at Ms. Gloria's Party.
"Michael this used to be our song remember? Come on!" I called out to him as he chuckled. A tall caramel skinned girl looked back at him and scoffed. I got a good look at her face and realized it was my ex Bestfriend, Beyoncé.
"Here I come Morg," I smirked and danced with him as she walked into the house with an attitude.

Beyoncé Pov
"Baba, that's mommy's," I cooed as I pulled blue's tiny fingers away from my burger. I handed her two fries and she gnawed at them, sucking away the salt.
"So, what are you gonna do about that girl?" Nicki queered as she dipped her fries in honey mustard. I rolled my eyes at the thought of Shawn's Girlfriend. I adjusted Blue in her high chair before speaking.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. If he wants to see Blue and have her with him, HE'S gonna handle her stank ass attitude," I said before sipping my Sprite. Nicki shook her head before picking up Gio, who was starting to wake up.
"Awee, hey auntie's handsome," I gushed. He was the cutest thing ever, looking just like a mini Nicki.

"I can't wait till his daddy get off work! Bad ass keep biting me with his one lil tooth," I giggled and wipe blue's messy mouth

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"I can't wait till his daddy get off work! Bad ass keep biting me with his one lil tooth," I giggled and wipe blue's messy mouth.
"I'll just be happy when we can find a mutual agreement. I love Rihmeek to death but he's too irresponsible," she vented. I always was here for her when she needed to vent or just a shoulder to lean on because that's exactly what her and Kelly did for me.
"If he's serious about you and Gio, which I'm almost positive he is, he'll change Nika. I felt  the same way about Shawn," I Sis dad she nodded.
"Yeahh, that what I get for ducking with a younger nigga huh?" Nika was 19, about to be 20. Meanwhile, her baby daddy, Rihmeek, was just turning 18. Her family scrutinized her every single chance they got, which caused her to go into a deep depression. Truth be told, it was clear as day that her and Rihmeek were in live. They just needed to find their way back to each other.

Excuse all errors

Bey explaining Nicky's Story sounds a bit familiar in some aspects huh?

A'jah 💋

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