Ten: Do You Miss It?

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Beyoncé pov

"Blueberry," I sang as I scooped her out of Shawn's arms and kissed her head when I walked into Shawn's house. Megan followed me and gushed over her cuteness.
"Well just take my daughter why don't ya," he said sarcastically.
"Pause. You ain't say big lipped Shawn was ya baby daddy! Oh my lord," Megn said as Shawn realized it was her behind me.
"There go ya horse legged cousin. Y'all should really start up a family Zoo ya'know," he smirked making us all laugh.
"But nah it's good to see you Meg," he said giving her a side hug.
"Same here Jazzy," Yeah she along with many people, still called him Jazzy, even though he wasn't into the whole drug thing anymore.
"Nah that ain't me no more. I'm just regular degular Shawn now,"
"Anyways, I came to pick blue up. My baby needs her milk, ain't that right Baba," I cooed at her as she grabbed my face, giggling.
"Ma ma ma ma," she babbled
"Alright BeyBey, call me when y'all get home. I'll probably come by and see baby girl before I go see mama G. Bye daddy's baby," he spoke to blue as he kissed her forehead.
"Bye bye da da," she said back, opening and closing her fist, as if to wave bye. We headed out to my truck and I buckled Blue in, before hugging Megan and telling her to meet me at the studio in a few hours.
Shawn pov
"Shawn, you better had brung my grand baby with you next time you show up here, or else I oughta not cook for ya," my mama scolded me as she began to whip up my favorite Meal; Cajun Shrimp Pasta.
"I will mama. Bey kept her today because she's taking some pictures today," she eyed me and chuckled.
"So how are you and Beyoncé doing?" I choked on my spit and tried to recover but failed horribly.
"Me and bey ain't nothing but co-parents. A relationship ain't even crossed my mind if I'm being honest. All I been worried about is Blue," she smack her lips waving me off.
"Now you know good and well Beyoncé loves you. She just too smart to fall for your foolishness. I been meaning to talk to you too. Her and I had a little heart to heart and she told me why y'all broke up in the first place. Cheating? Really Shawn, I know I raised you better than that," she said disappointedly. I sighed and hung my head low. I knew when my mama was truly disappointed cause she wouldn't look my in the eye.
"Honestly mama, I have no excuse as to why I did it. I was just thinking stupidly with the wrong head and my mistake probably cost me the best thing, next to Blue, that life could offer. But now that I've made my bed I have to lie in it," I told her. She sighed and began to plate the food.
"Here boy. Shouldn't feed ya nothing. Greedy ass," she mumbled making me laugh.


"Nic, this is my cousin Megan, Meg this is Nicki my best friend," I introduced them as we were all at the photography place. Nicki and I were both doing Mommy and Me Photoshoots with Blue and Gio.
"Hey sexy," Megan flitted making Nicki blush and laugh. I gasped and smack Megan's arm.
"Really Meg," the photographer called us over and we got into position.
(Pretend this is bey and blue lol)

"Awee y'all look so cute beybey," Nicki said as she played with Gio's little feet

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"Awee y'all look so cute beybey," Nicki said as she played with Gio's little feet. I smiled as blue reached up for my face and our photographer snapped another picture.
"Princess, daddy missed you baby," jay greeted Blue as he picked her up. I smiled and handed him her bag.
"I have three bags of breast milk in there, you just have to thaw them out in hot water. Do not microwave them. If need be there's some formula in the bag as well," I said as he nodded.
"Alright tell mommy bye,"
"Bye bye," she waved and I gushed kissing her once more. Before pouting.
"I'll call you tonight before I put her to bed so you can  tell her good night," he told me as he sat her down on her little play mat.
"Okay," I pouted.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I said giving him a side hug and kissing blue once more before leaving and closing the front door. I hopped in my truck and pulled off. My phone rang and it was a FaceTime call from Nicki, Solange, and Megan. I answered and put my phone in my vent phone holder.
"Hey y'all,"
"Hey," They all responded.
"Where you going?" Nicki asked as she noticed I was driving.
"Just dropped blue of with her daddy, finna get some food,"
"Question, would you ever take Jay Back?" Nicki asked. She was always tryna make peace with something.
"Honestly, I don't know. He's definitely changed from the boy i used to date, but I don't know," I said as I turned down the street and into the drive thru of McDonald's.
"Ooh you at McDonald's? bring me back sum bitch," I smacked my lips at her.
"Greedy hoe,"
"Wait I'm on my way over. Get me sum too," Megan said.
"Let me guess you want something too?" I asked Nicki.
"Nah I'm going vegan," she said proudly. We all laughed cause Nicki wasn't the most committed person.
"Fuck y'all," she said laughing.
"Alright I'll be home in like fifteen minutes top," I said before hanging up. I ordered Solo and Megan a 20 piece to share since hey liked them nasty ass chicken nuggets, than I got myself a Crispy Chicken sandwich, and Nicki fake vegan ass something to drink.

Shawn pov
"Come On baby girl," I tried to soothe her as I changed her diaper.
"Boy move," mama said as she pushed me out the way. With ease, she wiped her off, fastened the diaper, and buttoned her onesie back up.
"Oh I know baby. Your daddy is a little slow huh?" She cooed at blue. I smacked my lips and laughed.
"Say Nana?" I said as she turned her head to me.
"That's nana," I spoke pointing to my mom.
"Nana nana," She babbled as she layed on her chest.
"Oh gosh this baby, I don't know what you and Beyoncé are waiting on. I need more grand babies ," she over exaggerated.
"Alright mama. Let's keep in mind I'm 21, Bey's 19, and we're NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP," I stayed the obvious.
"Anyways, I gotta head out. I'm taking her to the park," I said grabbing blue.
"Okay well bring her back to see me soon," I put her mini windbreak on and her little air force ones.
"Say bye bye nana,"
"Bye bye," she waved and my mom kissed her cheek before kissing mines.
"Bye baby," I grabbbed her diaper bag and the premise bottle before heading out. I buckled her in the car seat and handed her the little stuffed bunny that bey packed her. Apparently it was her favorite and I couldn't leave without her having it. I sat the diaper bag below her feet and closed the door. I got in the drivers seat and headed towards the park. It was a fairly hot day in Houston, about eighty degrees, so I knew all the lil soccer moms would have their kids out today. Hopefully one baby swing was open so blue could have some fun. Other wise, we'd just be at the pool.
I pulled up to the neighborhood park and it wasn't too crowded. I grabbed her diaper bag before picking her up and taking her to the swings set.
"You ready to swing baby," I said as I paced her in the baby swing. She giggled and clapped her hands. I started off pushing her lightly before letting her get a little height.
"Awe she's adorable," a soft, yet sultry voice bellowed. I looked to my left and there was a fine ass yellow bone. She stood about 5'1/5'2, and had some deep ass dimples.

 "Thank you, Shawn, and you are?" I asked as I held my hand out for her to shake

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"Thank you, Shawn, and you are?" I asked as I held my hand out for her to shake.
"Lauren, is this cutie yours?" She asked as she cooed at blue. Blue mugged her hard not laughing once.
"Yeah,with her mean self," I said as Blue pouted.
"You want some milk baby?" I asked her as if she could understand. I grabbed her bottle from the side of the diaper bag and she went crazy until it was in her hands.
"So Lauren, what are you doing at the park alone?" I asked noticing that she didn't exactly have a kid with her.
"My little one's over there on the Slide," she pointed him out. He was over with another group of little boys playing together.
"Yeah I couldn't help but see you all alone with this cutie and wonder why your Wife let you out the house alone," she joked. I chuckled a bit.
"Actually I'm single. Her mother and I just co-parent," I explained as she bit her lip, causing her right dimple to pop.
"So I guess since your free reign, what do you say about lunch? Kross seems to love pizza lately and I know a great place not too far from here," She asked resting her hand on my arm.
"That's cool, let me get ya number. Text me the address and we'll meet y'all there,"

Beyoncé pov
"Damn I'm worried. He hasn't texted me all day about her," I pouted. I think I might have separation anxiety with my child. Every time she was away for longer than an hour I got all moody and sad.
"Girl shut yo sappy ass up. Blue is with her daddy and she's okay," Megan said as she threw a quarter at my forehead. I gasped and flicked it back hitting her smack in the middle of the back for her neck. 
"Ahh shit," I stuck my younger out and pulled out my phone

Bey: How's my baby doing? I miss her 😩

Ten minutes went by and I hadn't received a reply I rolled my eyes know Shawn was gonna get a mouthful from me tonight.

Excuse all errors

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