Two: Close

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Beyoncé Knowles
I felt a presence behind me causing me to peel back. But now I wish I hadn't.
"Giselle?" Oh you've got to be Kidding me...
I cursed internally knowing that this would ended badly, so so badly.
"Yes. How do I Know you?" I sighed and pretended to be clueless.
"Wow a whole Three year relationship is that forgettable? Look I just came over here to apologize for my wrong doings. You were a dope ass Girlfriend and anyone would've been extremely lucky to have you. So what I'm saying, is I'm sorry. Genuinely sorry and I hope you can forgive me," he rushed out. I folded my arms across my chest.
"You finished?" I asked before I began taking again.
"I've already forgiven you just never forgot. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be," I said brushing past him. As I walked away I heard someone call his name, some female.
"Michael! Come on they're playing our song," I scoffed he was still on bullshit. I walked back into the house and looked around for my mother. I spotted her by the Fireplace with Blue so I made my way towards them. I snuck up on them from the back and placed my hands over blues eyes.
"Guess whoooo," I said in a sing-song voice. She giggled and grabbed at my hands pulling them from her face.
"Peekaboo!" She said excitedly I laughed and grabbed er from my mother's arms.
"Mama what time did y'all plan on leaving?" I asked as she stood up from the couch.
"Around eight or Nine, why is something wrong?" She asked concerned. I shook my head and explained to her the whole Michael situation.
"Never liked that damn boy," was all she said as she walked away to find Richard. I chuckled and played with Blue a bit longer before she got sleepy. I stood up looking for Ms. Gloria and I found her walking towards me.
"Hey Ms. Gloria, do you have a room I could nurse her in?" I asked as Blue began to get crabby. She whined for Milk as I patted her back.
"Oh yes! Here I'll Show you baby," she led me to a room that seemed to be out of use. It had a few football decorations but nothing seemed to have been touched for a while seeing as there was dust on the dresser.
"This is my son Shawn's old room. He hasn't been here in a few years though, anyways let me know if you need anything else sweetheart," I smiled and nodded. 
"Thank you Ms. G," she closed the door behind her and I removed one of my straps and allowed Blue to latch to my boob. As she sucked away I played in her soft curly hair, admiring my beautiful baby. I still couldn't believe, 6 months later, that I'd created such a beautiful thing. I continued to nurse her as I hummed a song. Suddenly the door burst open causing me to shift to cover both Blue and I.
"Oh shit! My ba- Beyoncé?" I froze when I noticed the voice. Oh sweet lord help me. I shook my head.
"Could you please give me a moment. Five minutes and she'll be done," I said as the unexpected guest nodded and closed the door. I sighed and continued humming. She finished and I wiped her mouth, along with fixing myself before standing up and carrying her out the door. They were waiting outside the door and when he saw Blue I knew it was a wrap. He peered down at her sleeping in my arms before meeting my eyes.
"She's beautiful Beyoncé. What happened to you?" He asked and I shook my head not wanting the emotions to rush over me.
"What you mean no? Well answer this; Is she mine?" I shakily sighed as the tears looked in my eyes, as if I'd just used eye drops. I wiped quickly not wanting to cry in front of him. I simply began to walk away. That was until his unusually large hand gripped my forearm.
"Beyoncé," I couldn't hold it any longer. They streamed down my face like raindrops down a car window.
"What Shawn, What!" My voice croaked our. I no longer sounded like myself.
"Just answer my question. Is she mine?" He said slowly. I looked down at Blue before meeting his eyes again and shrugging.
"Who knows," I shrugged. His eyes turned dark as they pierced my soul.
"What the he'll do you mean, 'who knows'! That shit ain't acceptable Beyoncé. How don't you know?" He said in a mocking tone.
"Because I was raped Shawn! There!" His eyes never changed in color. They reminded me of two black holes, y'know the ones that suck up everything in its way.
"Bey-," I put up my hand telling him to stop and I wiped my tears.
"Save it Shawn. Seriously," I said as I looked down at Blue, who was now waking up because of the yelling.
"Ma ma," she cooed sleepily.
"I know sweetpea, mommy's here," I said softly as I rocked her. She calmed down and clung onto my dress.
"Beyoncé I'm sorry," he said as his eyes stayed focus on Blue.
"That's nice. If you'll excuse me i need to get my daughter home," I said .
"Wait, give me your number. Please," he begged. I looked at him before walking towards the room I was just in. My dumbass almost left the diaper bag and my phone. I pulled my phone out the diaper bag and handed it to him.
"Put your number in. I'll contact you," I said briefly. Blue sat up in my arms and looked at Shawn. She reached out for him and I sighed. Lord why did you give me such a friendly baby.
"Sweetpea, look at mommy," I said but she was set on getting to Shawn.
"Can I?" He asked. I nodded and he reached for her. She gladly let him hold her and layed on his shoulder.
"Hey pretty girl," he looked up at me and it was like we communicated through our mind.
"Blue. Blue Ivy Knowles," he nodded and kissed her forehead.
"Aya ya ya," she said as she played with his chain. I took the time to wipe my face and get my self together mentally before I had to go back down stairs.
"It's 9:30, I really need to get her home," I said breaking apart their time.
"Can we do a test? If she's mine I don't want to miss anymore time with her than I already have," he asked. I nodded and grabbed blue out of his arms. When I say the She threw a fit, she screamed and wailed her little arms.
"Hey, hey," Jay said in a low, yet authoritative voice. She calmed down a bit but she was still crying.
"Say bye bye," I cooed as she waved goodbye. I walked down stairs and found my mother and Richard.
"Hey baby, are y'all ready?" I nodded and I hugged Ms.Gloria before we headed out.

Excuse All Errors

A'jah 💋

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