Fifteen: Maluhia

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••freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility; Peace••

Beyoncé Knowles
"I've been eating whipped cream, having vivid dreams..." my speaker blasted Ari Lennox's Whipped Cream as I Cleaned up my room. My mama was coming back home today and I knew she'd. Have a fit if she saw the mess. I'd already washed and folded Blue and I's Clothes, And Vacuumed. Now all I had left to do was Organize my make up on my vanity and organize Blue's area with her hygiene products, and Formula Cans.
"You can do it Beyoncé," I murmured as I pushed myself off the floor and walked over to my vanity. Thank god I had a chair to go with it.
"Knock Knock," Solange Said as she entered my room.
"Hey Thu Thu, what's up?" She flipped down on my bed and sighed.
"So I broke up with Zaviyer," she said I shockingly looked at her.
"What? Why?"
"He and I are still cool or what ever, we just figured out we're better friends than boyfriend and girlfriend," she shrugged. I could see the pain in her eyes though. He'd broken up with my thu thu, and than friend zoned her.
"Awee Thu, fuck him," I told her as I pulled her into my chest.
"Damn Gissy, suffocating me with ya big ass boobs," she said as I jokingly shoved her face back in my titties.
"You so aggy. I'll be fine though, there's plenty of niggas that want me. I'll just stick to being single for now though. I think I'm gonna date Solange for a while," she said smiling. I kissed her forehead.
"That's my Girl," she chuckled and pushed me off of her.
"Where's My Niece at?" She asked as I pointed to the play pen where blue was knocked out.
"Oh sis said she just got home from her 9-5," she joked making me laugh and I startled Blue.
"Oh, mommy's sorry, I'm so sorry sweetpea," I rubbed her back and she calmed down, falling asleep again.
"Have you talk to jay yet? I think you should take him up on his offer," she suggested I shook my head.
"I'm good on that right now  Piaget. I really do love him, but Just like you said, I want to date Beyoncé For a while," she nodded and stood up.
"Well I'm gonna go mess with mama, " I nodded and layed in the bed, deciding to finish the organizing after my nap.
Jay Pov
"Bey answer the phone! This is the fifth time dammit," I angrily spoke to the voice mail as my call went unanswered for the fifth time. It was supposed to be my day to get Blue and it's like she disappeared off the face of the earth. I pulled up in front of mama Tina's house and her car was parked in the driveway. I rolled my eyes and got out My car, to knock in the door.
"Just a second!" I heard Ms.Tina's voice call out. The large Mahogany door opened and there stood Ms.Tina looking like Bey's twin.
"Hey mama, is Bey here?" I asked cutting straight to the chase.
"Yeah, she's up taking a nap with blue. Is everything okay?" She asked concerned as she let me in the house.
"I just got scared when she didn't answer my text or calls and thought the worst," she smiled and rubbed my shoulder.
"That's okay baby. Actually you can go and wake her. She's been sleep since well before 4 'o clock," I sighed and nodded as I headed up the stairs. I pushed open Beys door with had her name painted along its Snow White surface. When the door opened I saw Beyonce cuddles into the bed with a body pillow and Blue in her play pen wide awake.
"Hey Blueblue," I softly spoke as I scooped her up. Her eyes lit up when she saw me and began to whine.
"Shhh, daddy's got you lefty," i soothed her as I picked her up.
"Da da da,"she babbled.
"Bey!  Psst! Giselle," she moaned as she sat up wiping the sleep out of her eyes.
"What...what are you doing here Shawn?" She yawned out. I rubbed my hand over her head, smoothing down some out of place hairs.
"I came to check on you and lefty. Y'know today was my day," I chuckled. She giggled and sighed.
"My bad I was mad tired and my stupid alarm ain't go off,"
"It's okay mamas. Could I keep her for the night?" She nodded and kissed blue's forehead.
"So how's everything been?" I asked as I sat on her bed. She sighed wiping slobber from blue's mouth.
"Pretty good, I just needed to catch up on orders so I could get some rest," I nodded, but that wasn't what I wanted to hear.
"Did you think about my proposal?"

I sighed as I looked up at Jay and began to speak.
"I did. And I can't just yet Jay. I need time to figure out Beyoncé, don't get me wrong eventually I am willing to try again. I just want to find myself and date myself for a little bit," he bit his bottom lip and nodded before turning his attention to Blue.
"Lefty you ready to stay the night with daddy!" He said as he tossed her in the air making her giggle.
"I'll go ahead and pack her bag," I said but I think he ignored me being that my comment got no acknowledgement. I shook my head. Shawn was always this petty when things didn't go his way and he withheld his emotions from everyone. I sighed as I began to pack blue a Pair of pajamas,and her outfit for tomorrow. I made sure to Throw in her baby bonnet too because I had just did her hair,and not to mention I didn't want my baby's hair falling out because it wasn't protected at night.
"Hey Shawn, can you make sure you put on her bonnet before she goes to sleep tonight. I did her hair earlier, so it'd be easier for you," he nodded and took the bag before picking up Blue.
"Say bye mommy," he cooed at her as she giggled.
"Bye bye Ma ma," I smiled at her and kissed her as she held my cheeks.
"Bye sweetpea,mommy will see you tomorrow okay?" Shawn told me good bye before they left out. I flopped back in the bed and sighed. Why can't life just be Black and white. This Grey shit is so for the birds.

Excuse all Errors

A'jah 💋

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