Fourteen: The Date

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Jay pov
"You Ready Ma?" I asked Bey as we pulled up to the gate.
"You said picnic Corey. Why are we at someone's mansion?" She questioned I chuckled and ignored her questions as I punched in the gate code and they opened.
"Jay!" I looked over and gave her a small, toothless smile, making her chuckled and roll her eyes playfully. I parked the car and walked over to her door, opening it for her. After that, I grabbed the picnic basket out the trunk truck and led her to the back yard. The Gazebo was lit up and I had her favorite song, "song for you" by Dannie Hathaway playing lowly.
"Jay, this is so pretty," she whined as she hugged me and snuggled her head into my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. We sat down at the table and I unpacked our picnic. I got her the two piece box from Popeyes, and myself a beef n' cheddar sandwich from Arby's. She laughed as I pulled the food out the basket and handed it to her.
"You so damn irritating," she chuckled. I smiled as I admired her beauty. The 12 beauty marks from her cheek, to her chest, that one dimple she had let show for the past ten minutes, and her beautiful brown eyes. They had the smallest hint of Golden specs, that set them off from any other ordinary brown eye.
"Stop staring boy," she lightly smacked my cheek before taking I bite out of her spicy chicken and moaning.
"Oh god, I gotta eat this more,"
"So I brought your here to show you my love to you. I know I fucked up badly the first time, but I promise that will be the last time. I want to work this out for us, and I also want Lefty to grow up with both her parents in one big happy home," I explained as she sipped her Cup.
"Honestly Jay, I want the same. I'm willing to give you another chance but your gonna have to work for me, for us. No kissing, no sex, non of the. Your gonna have to earn it," she said as I nodded.
"That's fine with me. I just want you back Bey," she nodded and grabbed my hand.
"You have me. Just don't loose me again, cause next time I won't be forgiving," she spoke making me chuckle. I kissed the back of her hand and she snatched it away.
"You breaking rules already. I said no kissing lover boy," sauntily spoke beside laughing. This was what I needed. What id been missing. My BeyBey.
"So guess what blue did for the first time?" She spoke cheerfully as our daughter became the topic of discussion.
"What? Cussed?" I guessed making us laugh.
"No you dummy. She Tried to walk. She pulled herself up on the couch and tried to step but she fell. Her chunky self couldn't even hold her weight," she said making me laugh.
"My baby said she an over achiever. Daddy gone get her walking,"
"Boy she only nine months,"
"And? Watch after one week in daddy boot camp, we gone have a walker," she shook her head as she bit into another piece of her chicken and sighed.
"Thank you for this Jay," I rubbed the back of her hand and nodded.
"Of course beautiful. I love you, you do see that now right?" She slowly removed her hand from mines and sighed.
"Jay, I hope you didn't think this," She motion between the two of us, "would happen over night."
"Of course not over night, but I need to to at least know I love you Giselle!" I exasperated.
"I do know that Corey, I also know that I love you, and always will. But I'm taking baby steps," i nodded and sat back.
"Come here Lefty!" I playfully chased a crawling blue around the living room.
"Da daaaa!"
"Shawn bring her in here so she can eat," mama Gloria called form the kitchen.
"Granny ruined the fun lefty," I said as I scooped her up and carried her to the kitchen.
"Eat Eat," She babbled as she saw the bowl of baby cereal at the table. I sat her in her high chair, before setting the bowl on the high chair table.
"Brrrre. The air planes coming leftyyyy," I flew the spoon around in the air before scooping the food into her mouth as she giggled.
"Mmhh," she let our as she ate.
"Granny Made it good huh baby?"  Mama asked as I continued to feed her.
"So what time are you all leaving?"
"Uh soon. Probably after she eats, I'm gonna take her home and well chill until Bey Comes to pick her up," she nodded and wiped her hands on the kitchen towel.
"Okay. Well come give my some hugs. I'm finna go lay in the bed, and watch my stories," she said as she sat the towel down and kissed blue's forehead before kissing my cheek and leaving.
"Bye mama!" I called out to her as she mumbled something along the lines of a good bye.
"Mmh. More more," blue said in her little voice. My heart smiled as I fed her the last few scoops, before wiping her mouth and handing her the sippy cup. She drank from the sippy cup before handing it back. I took her out the high chair and carried her to the living room. I grabbed her diaper bag and locked the door before heading to the car.
"Bye bye?"
"Yeah we're going bye bye lefty. Mommy's gone come pick you up,"
"Ma ma! Ma ma!" I buckled her in to the car seat and closed the door, before starting the engine and pulling off.

"I'm outside,"
"Okay I'm coming down now," I opened my bedroom door and walked down the stairs to find my mom in the kitchen.
"Oh hey mama," I spoke as I walked past the kitchen and out side.
"Ma ma!" Blue exclaimed, while clapping. I smiled hard as I took her from Shawn's arms and kissed her face.
"Hi baba, mommy missed you my love,"

Excuse all errors

A'jah 💋

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