Eleven: Not Stuntin' Me

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Shawn POV
"It smell good in her girl, whatchu cooking?" I asked as I sat down at the kitchen table.
"Pancakes, eggs, and bacon," Lauren responded as she turned around smiling at me.
"Deep ass dimples," I said sticking my finger in one. She laughed and smacked my hand away.
"When you gotta pick Kross up?" I asked pulling her to me by her waist. She was clad in my T-shirt and some biker shorts.
"Tomorrow, Ermias wanted to take him somewhere so yeah," she said rubbing my shoulders, before placing a kiss on my neck. I groaned as she continued to place the innocent, yet seducing pecks along my neck.
"Don't get fucked up Boog," I groaned him her ear making her shiver. I smacked her as and gripped it in the process.
"Jay!" She let out a high pitched moan. I stood and picked her up attacking her lips. Than the door bell rang.
"What the fuckkk," I groaned in irritation. I sat Lauren on her feet, and we walked to the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Beyoncé holding Blue and her diaper bag. Fuck! It was Sunday, my day to have blue so Beyoncé could work. I opened the door and smiled brightly.
"Hey lefty!" I grabbed her from Bey and tickled her causing her to burst into a fit of giggles.
  "She has 5 bags of breast milk in her and the baby food. See if you can get her  to eat the carrots, she's been a little picky lately," Bey cooed as she softly poked Blue's stomach.
"Alright im dropping her off or-,"
"Hi I'm Beyoncé and you are?" She cute me off, as Lauren made her presence noticeable.
"Lauren, Shawn's girl friend," Beyoncé smiled, and held her hand out for her to shake.
"Nice to meet you. I'm the Bestfriend and his child's mother," she responded back smartly. Yet I Lauren didn't seem to catch it.
"Okay well I'm about to leave and yeah you can drop her of to me tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll be at Nicki's," she said before kissing blue and leaving out.
"She seems nice," Lauren said as she took the diaper bag and set it on the coffee table.
"Yeah," If only she knew how petty Beyoncé's ass was being. My phone buzzed, but I didn't dare pull it out because I knew it was Beyoncé.
"Alright im finna take her in the room and turn on her show. Let me know when the foods ready," she nodded and went back to cooking.
"Come On Leftyyy," I sang as I ran upstairs making her laugh. I chuckled seeing this smile on her pretty little face made my day instantly.
"Da da!" She shrieked with giggles, as I kissed all over her face. I grabbed the remote, before sitting her down on the bed and turning on Trolls. She was in love with this damn movie, this and Moana.
"Branch watch out!" The tv sounded as she clapped her hands seeing her favorite movie in the screen. I layed back and pulled my phone out my pocket.

 I layed back and pulled my phone out my pocket

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I shook my head. Lauren and Blue got along so it was no reason for Beyoncé to be tripping like this. I went on Instagram and scrolled around bridge a certain post caught my eye.

 I went on Instagram and scrolled around bridge a certain post caught my eye

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I scoffed. She was really hugged up with this nigga all on Instagram, and she know better than anyone that I don't like his bitch ass.
"Baby, y'all can come eat now. Are you hungry cutie?" She said as she attempted to tickle blue. Her lip quivered before she huffed and let out a loud cry.
"Waaaah!" I picked her up and held her to my chest.
"Oh lefty, it's okay. Daddy's here lefty," I rubbed her back as she relaxed a bit but she still let out a whimper here and there.
"Thank you baby, here I come," I grabbed my phone and tossed it in my pockets before pausing the tv and following her downstairs.
"I'm starting to think she doesn't like me Jay," I sighed and she passed me a plated. I grabbed the jar of carrots Beyoncé wanted me to try and get blue to eat.
"Boog she's just not a friendly baby honestly. She'll warm up to you soon,"
"Or maybe she understands  not her mom and doesn't want me around," she scoffed.
"Shawn, let me try to feed her," Lauren said as she smiled at blue.
"Baby girl might want to try some real food, I'll blend the fruit like a smoothie. Same texture, better taste. I used to do it for Kross all the time,"   I nodded as she pulled out mangoes, pineapple chunks, and strawberries.
"You don't like the carrots huh lefty?" I Baby talked to her as she spit them out. I wiped her mouth with the bib and sat the carrots aside as Lauren came with the smoothie, which was joe in a bowl.
"Hi pretty girl," she cooed as she took the baby spoon that was full of fruit mush, and air planed it to her mouth. Blue looked st her suspiciously before her mouth. She couldn't help herself, the air plane motion and noise suckered her in very time. Even if she knew it was something she didn't like. She let the unfamiliar taste reminisce on her palate, before smiling and opening up for more.
"See babies can't resist fruit and a little bit of honey," she cooed and Blue who began to giggle.
"Definitely her mother's child. That girl could eat fruit all day if you let hers just give me some chips or sum and I'll be straight," we both shared a laughed as she fed Blue more of the smoothie.

Beyoncé  Pov
"Stop! Put me down boy," I shrieked in laughter. Solange had Managed to get me out of the house., since I couldn't use blue as and excuse, and I was actually enjoying myself.
"You better not be over thee hitting on my sister Bron," Solo joked as she swayed to the music with Alan.
"Where's your little girl? I thought I'd see her by now," he chuckled as he put me down.
"She's with her father. So when do you go back to Cleveland?"  He scratch his beard as we sat down on the couch in our basement.
"Uh in about a week or so, you know I just got drafted so they want me to do some press conferences, and a bunch of other shit," he shrugged as if it wants a big deal.
"Well that's big, congrats again. Your making it out of here. We all are, slowly but surely," he nodded agreeing with me.
"Piaget, Giselle, tell your company good night!" Mama shouted down the basement steps. We all groaned at her shutting down our mini party.
"Mama T I'm staying the night okay?!" Kelly yelled up to her.
"Me too!" Onika co-signed.
"Whatever," She said as we all laughed.
"Well I had fun bey, I'll see you when I see you shorty," LeBron spoke as he hugged me. I hugged him back shortly before pulling away.
"See y'all later," the rest of everybody walked up stairs and out the front door.
"So I want the tea. Since when were you and LeBron so buddy buddy?" Solange rolled her neck as her right hand rested on her hip.
"Right I thought we were still on mission 'Get Babydaddy Back'?" Nicki asked making me laugh.
"Well things change. And we were just getting to know each other,"
"Now you know him and jay don't fuck with each other and you posted this on Instagram? He finna be pissed," Kelly said as she saw my post.
"He got a whole girl. He don't have the right to be pissed no more," I smacked my lips.
"Girl, if you say so. I'd say you got your self a whirl of baby daddy drama coming soon," Solange said as she shaped her hand as if she was holding a teacup, pretending to "sip her tea".
Jay wasn't worried about little old me, was he?

Excuse all errors
A'jah 💋

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