Five: I Got You

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Jay Pov
"Did the test results come in yet?" I asked Beyoncé as I poured myself a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
"No, did you get them yet?" She inquired back. I shook my head as I looked at her in the camera. No lie, she was beautiful as fuck. I just can't believe I let her go.
"Wheres baby girl?" She pinned the camera down to blue who was nursing.
"Damn she sucking hard as hell!" I said laughing as she giggled.
"Leave my baba alone. Her just hungry," she cooed, more so at blue as she ran her fingers through her little curls.
"Can I come see her today? Or take y'all out and do something?" She shrugged and agreed.
"There's not a whole lot she can do besides eat though," she said while laughing.
"I see. Fatbut," I said as I took a large bite. I always used the big table spoons cause the little ones ain't gone scoop up enough cereal.
(I personally hate the big spoons 😭 like I will wash out a little spoon before I use a clean big spoon)
"What time do you need us ready?"
"Uh, it's 11:34 right now. So, about 12:30-1, is that good for you?" I asked as I ate the last two scoops. She nodded and wiped blue's mouth as she finished eating.
"Hey big girl," I said as she cane into the camera. She smiled brightly and clapped as she realized it was me. That warmed my heart so much seeing my creation.
"Da da da da," I gasped and so did Beyoncé.
"Did she just?" Beyonce said all dramatic like.
"Hell yeah!" I said cheesing hard as hell.
"Blue! Come here baba," she said as she scooped her up and kissed all over her face. Now I wished I was there so I could do the same.
"I'm coming over now," I told Bey as I hung up. She was gone catch an attitude for me hanging up but I was too busy trying to get to my baby girl. I threw on my sweat shirt and some timbs, before grabbing my keys and heading to Bey's house. There was virtually no traffic being that everyone was at work or mschool so I made it there in 15 minutes. I hopped out the car and knocked in the door. A few seconds later bey snatched it open and turned around allowing me to walk in. She had on the lil volley ball shorts and her ass look fat as fuck no lie.
"Wassup," I spoke as I grabbed blue out the playpen, kissing her cheek.
"Why'd you hang up dickhead?" She said as she flopped down in the couch unpausing the show. After a few seconds I concluded that she was watching how to get away with murder.
"Da dada da," blue babbled and she layed on my chest.
"Shhh," Bey shushed her and she picked her head up looking at bey like she was crazy.
"Bey, it's 12 now, you want me to get blue ready?" I asked. She shook her head no quickly and stood up.
"We'll be fast. Ain't that right baba?" She said kissing Blue's Cheek as she carried her upstairs. I pulled my phone out my pocket and saw I had virtually no notifications besides a text from Michelle.

 I pulled my phone out my pocket and saw I had virtually no notifications besides a text from Michelle

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I looked up and saw the front door opening. A man with a salt and pepper like beard walked in and looked at me crazy when he saw me.
"Who the hell are you?" He asked as he sat the grieved bags down and stepped up to me.
"I'm Beyo-, well I'm possibly Blue's Father. Beyoncé is upstairs getting her ready and had me wait here," I explained as his facial expression softened.
"Okay, what's your name son?" He said as he sat on the Opposite sofa.
"Shawn, your Beyoncé's father?" He shook his head no.
"Step, might as well be though. Love that girl like she's my own," I smiled and nodded.
"Shawn! I'm finished come get he- oh hey Pops," Blue got excited when she saw him.
"Papa papa," he smiled brightly and deep down inside I wish my father was here to have this connection with her.
"Anyways were ready when you are," Bey said as she snapped in her last earring.

 "Anyways were ready when you are," Bey said as she snapped in her last earring

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"Alright let's go. It's was nice meeting you Mr.,"
"Richard. And likewise son," he said shaking my hand. He handed me blue and we headed out to my car. I buckled blue into the car seat that I'd bought her and opened the door for Beyoncé.
"Thank you," she blushed. I closed the door and jogged to my side. I started the car and looked to Beyoncé.
"Cheesecake Factory or juicy crab?"
"Cheesecake Factory," She answered almost immediately.
"Blue's allergic to shell fish," I nodded and mentally smacked myself. These are things I should know but all because I ran off when I started feeling her deep. I turned the music up and we began riding peacefully.

Shawn was putting up sun here an effort and it honestly was breaking down walls that I didn't know i had. I rolled the window down cause it was low key kinda hot. My phone buzzed and I had a text from Richard saying that I had a package.
"Welp, they delivered the results," I sighed as Shawn looked over and nodded.
"My lil sis just sent me a text saying they came. I layed my head on the window thinking of all the possibilities.
"Hey, don't worry mama, I'mma be here for Blue no matter what. That's my daughter and I don't give a damn what that paper say. Aight?" I nodded and he rested his right hand on my left thigh as we drove in a comfortable silence.

Excuse all errors
A'jah 💋

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