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Camlann Hill

(Pretend Artoria is Arthur)

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(Pretend Artoria is Arthur)

Arthur: *Heavily breathing* Dammit I'm losing too much blood... If this is how I'm gonna go I have to make sure Excalibur doesn't get stolen...

Then Arthur decides to make a copy of Excalibur by taking a sword and remodeling it, and to make sure to other peoples eyes it's the real one he put in some of the holy energy of Excalibur to it... but he put in too much holy energy that it broke into seven pieces, though good thing the holy power is still there thus making it believable that Excalibur was destroyed in Camlann.

Arthur: Now that I have created a copy... all I just need to do is hide the real one...

Arthur decided to hide it inside his body like how Avalon works, by taking the sheath out of his body, sheathing the blade, and last by putting it back inside him, making Excalibur safe.

Arthur: Now I... can finally... rest... though if... I was given... a chance... to live again... then I want to... give Mordred... the attention... she needed... and finally be... a family...

Hours later after King Arthurs death

God of the Bible: Even Excalibur can be broken, though I'm sorry Arthur, I am gonna take this for Heaven's sake, Michael let's go we have to reforge these into new swords.

Michael: Yes Father

God's thoughts:'though I guess we have a better outcome because now we can have more than one Excaliburs'.

After taking the fake Excalibur and turning it into the 'Excalibur Pieces', God decided to give it to the church as weapons for the humans against the other factions.

Meanwhile with Arthur

Arthur: huh? Where am I?

???: You are in my domain young Arthur.

Arthur: ...:/

???: What's with that face? are you alright?

Arthur: Yes I'm just contemplating the fact I'm not in heaven or hell, but where is this place exactly?

???: Well this place is what you call 'The Terrestrial Realm'.

Arthur: Soo~ why am I here then?

???: You are here because I heard of your wish, your wish to live again and finally give Mordred the father she wants.

Arthur: Can you really do that? if so please I may sound selfish or not please let me have my wish!

???: I was already planning on granting you your wish, because of your old life you couldn't give the attention Mordred wanted, and because of your noble heart of wanting to live again to give Mordred a family warmed my heart, so I'm granting you this wish under one condition.

Arthur: what is it?

???: You better be a good father to her, as you know she is a troublemaker.

Arthur: *smiles happily* I will and thank you... for granting my wish.

???: Now, Rejoice young one, for you are granted to live once more, but know this you will be living in a new era and beware of the dangers that lurk in the dark.

Arthur starts glowing

Arthur: Wait!!! before I go who are you?

???: oh my I have forgotten to introduce myself, well you can call me the 'Supreme Deity'.

Arthur's thoughts: 'Cool name'

Arthur: Goodbye and thank you once again for this.

Supreme Deity: You are Welcome.

In a bedroom

Arthur: So it worked, now to see if Mordred is her-


Arthur: *chuckles* Well that answers that heh~


(well that wraps up the prologue, hope you all like it)

(and yes I made Mordred a girl heheheheheheh)

(I'm saying Mordred is a girl here because there is a male version of her too)

(oh yeah for the power scaling of the real and fake Excaliburs are...

the fake Excalibur when recombined only make 20% of the real Excaliburs 100% power, now divide that to seven, that's how weak it is)

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