Chapter XV-II - Excalibur

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Hello again people. I have things to say after this chapter.

And apparently... my most viewed chapter is my half-assed bio... like wut?

the other chapters are like 14k and below then there's my bio which has 20k...

And also this... damn


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Kuoh Academy

The Family of Knights rushed toward the Academy where they felt the sudden spike in Magical energy

As they reach the Academia Gate, they saw the Student Council there and what seems to be a barrier they're maintaining which is surrounding the whole school

Uther: What's going on here?!

Sona: Mr. Maxwell?! W-what are you doing here? You shouldn't be—

Uther: Did I stutter!?

Sona: A-ahem n-no sir...! there's a Fallen named Kokabiel and lots of other Fallen inside this barrier that are planning to restart the Great War! Using the Excalibur Pieces to kill everyone here!

Uther: Wha?! Let us in now!

This demand was met by surprise by the SC Peerage

Tsubaki: Mr. Maxwell, you can't be serious! you are just human! You'll die!

Uther: You'd be surprised, we are more than human. Now let us through!

Sona and Tsubaki looked at each other before sighing and making a small hole in the barrier

Sona: Please be safe Mr. Maxwell along with your family. May God- Ow. Satan help you.

Artoria: Hah! Don't worry about us!

Uther and Co. all go in, and when they do, they are met with the bodies of dead fallen angels

Lance: What the hell?

Uther: Ignore them for now, get to the main zone!

(At this point this is where I lost it since I forgot how it all went down so... yeah... ima just wing it!)

Front of the School

They continued running and came across more corpses along the way

Lance: Well these guys were definitely burnt

He says as he pointed to the burnt bodies

Lance: Must be that Horny as hell raven head who did this

Glenn: Mhmm let's hurry up then. I don't think they will be able to last long if there are this many of them

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