Chapter IV - Knight's Gambit

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Maxwell 'Pendragon' Household

Uther's POV:

After the eventful night that happened which resulted in the knights being punished, by making them watch horror movies*in which all the knights except for Angra are scared of, which I just learned courtesy to Mordred*, we are now outside going to the mall to buy clothes for everyone...

Me: Since everything has been settled, you will all need new clothes to fit in today's era alright?

The knights who are all lifeless *except for Angra*, Artoria, and Igraine all just nodded

Me: Good

Timeskip - Arriving in the Mall

When we arrived and before parting ways I told them to behave like normal people and I repeated to them again to never use any of their powers that may expose the supernatural, then we parted ways, I left with Artoria and Igraine, Lance with Glenn, and last Tristan with Ban and Angra...

Glenn's POV:

I'm... still not okay after what we all just experienced...

Me: Hey Lance...

Lance:... What is it?

Me: Remind to always make sure that what I always do, does not make the King the victim... alright?

Lance:... I'll do it if you do the same for me...

Me: Sure... so back to the main topic where should we go?

Lance: I don't know I was following you...

Me:... *sighs* I'm gonna go ask around for the men's clothing shop

With Angra, Ban, and Tristan

Angra's POV:

I look over at Ban and Tristan as they're still lifeless, which amused me as I've never seen Ban and Tristan so dull and lifeless before... heh I mean who wouldn't? being forced to watch horror movies so late at night, they couldn't even sleep due to their nightmares after the movies

Me: So~ what will we be doing?

Ban:... Clothes shopping...

Me: *laughs*

Tristan: Hey hey what are you laughing at?

Me: I'm laughing at the both of you because right now the both of you are dull and lifeless like your soul was taken from your body

Ban:... Just shut up... let's just go and finish our business here...

Me: Yeah ok *snorts due to laughter*

Tristan:... This is the worst day possible for me...

Ban: I second that...

I laughed even harder at them but quietly as I didn't want the publics eyes on me

Me: Alright enough messing around, the men's store is just around the corner

Ban and Tristan:... 'I wonder how Lance and Glenn are? I bet they're having the time of the lives right now...*sighs* could this day get any worse?'

Back to Lance and Glenn

Lance's POV:

We are both currently in the men's clothing store... and I'm surprised to not see Ban, Angra, and Tristan... the King is not here since he went with the girls to the girl's clothing store to help them...

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