Chapter XIII - Doubts, Fallen Angels Attack, The Fake Excalibur

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I did it again... I forgot this is DxD fic... Not a Fate fic... I had to rewrite the entire chapter and next one because the stuff i put in it contrasts the lore of the dxdverse... So yeah


3rd Person POV

Still in the middle of the night

We currently see Igraine, Artoria and Lance going home after that dump of information regarding the Mage's Association thrown into them... Though... They still couldn't take the words Medea told them earlier...

Artoria: A Sealing Designation huh...

Igraine: Even in this time and age... Mages and the rest of the supernatural will always be greedy for power

Lance: We will have to warn the King, about the Association... Our powers are gonna be a hot topic for the supernatural if they ever find out about us

Artoria: And also add the fact that we're from the past as well... They will want to know on how we did it... And how were all alive right now... Because in history... We're all dead...

Igraine:... When we get home, Artoria call the others into the living room, while Lance, make sure there is no one to hear what we're about to talk about later... You two got that?

Artoria/Lance: Of course mother/my Queen

Igraine: Good, let's hurry up and-!!!

Igraine suddenly dashes backwards while holding the back of Lance and Artoria's shirt, then an explosion happens on the place where the three we're earlier, with the three landing a few meters away from the area and sees the explosion.

Igraine: 'So... They finally showed themselves' Look alive you two... We have some... Unwanted people here

Igraine immediately summoned her Excalibur, Artoria summons Clarent, while Lance takes off a metal pole from the ground using it as a pole-arm, as redlines spread through the pole after the smoke cleared we see a large group of fallen angels in front of us

Artoria: That's a lot of them... *smirks* These crows will be fun to kill!

Lance: Heh... You got that right... No one attacks without leaving unscathed!

Igraine: Tone down your bloodlust you two

Igraine then moves her head to the left, just as a light spear just whizzes past her head


Igraine: You know what? You two can go ham... Just hurry it up

Artoria/Lance: *smirks* With pleasure!

Artoria and Lance immediately take off and starts hacking away at the Fallen Angels

Igraine:... Jeez... I feel a little bad for them now... Only a little though...

Igraine then thrust her sword backwards, stabbing a fallen angel trying to sneak up on her on the stomach

Fallen 1: H-how?...

Igraine:... You should never underestimate someone you don't know

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