Chapter XVI-III - Excalibur

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Kokabiel: 'Kill the Once and Future King, for Time is nearing its end. It is only but a matter of time before the Past, Present and Future all disappear.

For the Holy Grail shall flood the Earth and burn everything asunder.'






This just made the duo even more confused but they were very much familiar with the Holy Grail...

Uther: What did he mean by that?

Kokabiel: Hell if I know. But that doesn't matter, my plans will continue through. We've talked enough and now I know who you really are... but not you

He pointed at Igraine when he summons a Light Sword in his right hand and as Igraine was about to pull out her Excalibur, she was stopped by Uther

Igraine: What are you doing?

Uther: I'll fight him. Alone. Just watch from the side

Kokabiel: Heh. why don't you follow him missy. So you can watch him die from the side

Igraine:... Are you sure?

Uther: Yes. he knows stuff we don't and I'm going to get it from him. And I want to this one alone

Igraine: Alright then

As she moved to the side and Uther pulled out his Excalibur, sheathed in Invisible Air, and got into a stance

Kokabiel: This is your end!

As the Fallen rushed at him fast, but not fast enough as Uther managed to block and deflect a slash coming to his neck; the two started exchanging blow for blow.

Igraine: 'Something is off about this...'

Kokabiel flew back and summoned multiple Light Spears at his side and fired them at Uther, forcing him to swing a wave of wind to divert the Light Spears away from him. Uther went on to charge at Kokabiel with a huge magical-powered leap and the two went back to exchanging blows

Igraine: 'Way off...'

Kokabiel: Is that all you have, Once and Future King!? This is pathetic!


The King only kept quiet as he just stared back at him with a stoic expression, which irked Kokabiel

Kokabiel: What? Cat got your tongue?

He tried to aggravate him but to no avail as Uther just kept his calm face. A face he was all too used to...

Uther looked down at the battle ensuing below. He noticed that from up here he could see the entire battlefield. From the Witch and Assassin already finishing up with their side and to the Courtyard with the ORC and the other Knights fighting Fallen Angels along with Freed and Valper.

That is when he noticed the Redhead's Knight had seemed to have been given a boost in power and that is when he saw the sword in his hands... a sword emanating both Holy and Demonic Energy... It was like Yin and Yang. Light and Dark synchronizing to form one powerful object. That is precisely what the Knight, Kiba Yuuto currently had... Valper started speaking again and during this, the old priest had inadvertently revealed that God was dead which prompted Kokabiel to kill him with a Light Spear to the chest, which shocked everyone watching. The ORC was, of course, questioning what the Old Priest was saying and so Kokabiel enlightened them; not only were the Original Satans dead but the God of the Bible was also dead with them, which caused faithful people such as Xenovia and Asia to fall into despondency, but Xenovia stood firm that she wouldn't fall now of all times with Asia following suit and the fight raged on as more and more Fallen Angels joined the fray

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